Abu Huda
Abuhuda is an Imam, preacher and teacher, was born in 1982 .He has graduated from Al-Azhar University, after 17 years of studying Islamic Sciences from Quran and its science, Jurisprudence (Fiqh), Islamic History (Seerah), Hadith and Arabic language with all fields of it. Bachelor of Arts in foreign language and literature (2006) department of Islamic studies in English. Faculty of Languages & Translation is one of the most reputable and specialized educational institutions in Egypt for studying translation and Islamic studies in foreign languages .His Second Language is German . Moreover, He specialized in Islamic studies in English and worked since 2008 in the field of translation the Islamic sciences from Arabic to English. He finished memorizing Quran at the age of 9 and collected all Tajweed rules - Theoretically and practically – at the age of 12. He recited the Quran to the famous Sheikh in Egypt, Sheikh Abu Dawood who has given him the Sanad (Ijazah) -linked to the Prophet Muhammad (SAAWS) in the narration of Hafs from Asim and at this time he is studying the seven readings of Quran from the way of Shatibiah. He was appointed as professional Imam at the Egyptian Ministry of Awqaf in 2008. During this period he has taught all kinds of Arabic language and Islamic sciences
Ustad Awad
Ustad Awad has done bachelors from Al-Azhar University (Egypt), Faculty of languages & Translation (Department of Islamic Studies in English). He also achieved first position in the memorization of the Holy Quran in Al-Azhar University during his study period. He is currently working as an imam in the ministry of Egyptian Endowments. He possess Ijazah in the recitation of Asim. He is currently doing master's Thesis at Al-Azhar University.
Ustad Mahmoud Elzahaby
Ustad Mahmoud Elzahaby is qualified in B. A Islamic studies in English from Al-Azhar University. He has special diploma in education from faculty of education. Ustad Mahmoud Elzahaby worked for 10 years in teaching and memorizing Quran in Al-Salam community, and got his Ijaza (mastery) of reciting Quran from Sheikh Mohammed Mahmoud Kamel (the owner of facilitating the Quranic recitation series). He memorized entire Quran by heart .
Ustada Aya
Ustada Aya has memorized whole Quran by heart and learnd Tajweed rules from Al-Azhar university. She is a native Arab and can teach Arabic language to non-Arabs with enthusiasm and professional attitude. She has valuable experience of teaching hifz, recitation, Arabic and Tajweed online and onsite as well. She loves to take part in as many learning environments and educational projects. Language and computing skills are her specialties
Ustada Lamia Karmi
Ustada Lamia Karmi is a teacher with 4 years of experience in teaching Quran to non-Arabs. She got Ijaza in rewayat Hafs and Shoba-Cairo, 2012, Ijaza in Gazarya and Tajweed-Cairo, 2011 and Ijaza in Noranya-Aswan, in the year 2009.
Ustad Usman
Ustad Usman has Ijaza of the reading and memorizing Qur'an by the narration of Haf narrated from 'Asim. He has done BA in Islamic studies in English from Al-Azhar University Cairo (Egypt) and did his post graduate studies in Department of Islamic studies in English. He is currently pursuing MA degree in Islamic studies in English in the field of Maqasid al-shariah (purposes of islamic law). Ustad Usman is eager to bring students and people into the islamic life using all ways of dawah and education. He is dedicated to enthusiastic and dynamic teaching as a means of creating and developing a lifelong love of islamic knoweldge in students.
Um Mariyam
Ustada Umm Maryam has memorized the whole Holy Quran with Tajweed and have Ijazah in Hafs recitation style. She had an experience of running a school of memorizing holy Quran for 6 years. She knows how to deal with kids during lessons and have diploma in teaching Quran to non-arabic speakers.
Ustada Mariam
Ustada Mariam has a certificate (Ijaza) in memorization of Quran narrated by Hafs from Asim. She graduaed in 2013 from Ain Shams University (Cairo-Egypt) in BSc honours in English Educational Department in first class. Ustada Mariam possess excellent English communication skill along with profound understanding of tajweed rules and Qur'an recitation. She has also been a teacher of English language.
Ustad Ahmed
Ustad Ahmed is an Egyptian and live in Giza governorate. He has graduated from Al-Azhar university in 2006, after 18 years of studying all branches of Islamic studies , just as TAFSEER, HADITH, FAQH, SEERAH, ARABIC, e.t.c.
He graduated from Languages and Translation, English literature. Praise be to Allah, finished memorization of the Glorious Quran and studying Tajweed rules . He currently works as an English teacher in Al-Azhar since 2007.
Umm Mahmoud
Ustada Umm mahmoud is a native Arabic speaker and an Arabic teacher from Egypt; she speaks Arabic and English fluently. She graduated from Faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Al-Azhar University, Arabic Department. She has joined Al-Azhar institute in 1992 at the age of 6 year and she studied at Al- Azhar for 16 years, she started memorizing Quran at the age of 6 years old and she completed it at the age of 17 years old when she finished her High School at Al-Azhar Institute. During college period sister, umm Mahmoud studied basic Arabic with focus on Arabic grammar, balaghah (rhetoric), Arabic literature (adab), poetry (sher), and Islamic studies- Tafseer, Hadith, and Fiqh according to Al-Azhar system of curriculum. In 2008, she had her B.A of the Arabic Language, from Faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Al Azhar University. In 2009, she had The General Educational Diploma, from Faculty of Education, Alexandria University. In 2011, she had a training in “How to present Islam” from Bridges Foundation, The international Institute for Training Presenters In 2012 she finished her Scholarship at Amideast “English for Religious Purposes”. In addition, her training about “Answering Questions & Refuting Misconceptions about Islam" from Bridges Foundation The international Institute for Training Presenters. In 2016, she had a training for Arabic teachers for non – Arabic speakers. In 2019,she received her Ijazah in reciting the holy Quran with Hafs’s way of Assemرواية حفص عن عاصم. she worked as teacher before in schools, but right now, she is teaching online Arabic, Tajweed, Islamic Studies, and Quran recitation to non-Arabic speaker. She believes that learning Arabic is the first step to learn Quran and all Islamic Concepts with a deep understanding. She lives in Alexandria, Egypt where she spent her childhood there.
Ustada Dalia
Ustada Dalia has more than 10 years of experience in teaching Arabic language to non-Arabs. She has been teaching Arabic in different universities and institutions of Egypt, which are Fajr center, Al-forqan center, Cairo Institution, International Institution for languages, Al-ebana center, and now at Al-azhar University.
Ustada Dalia graduated from Dar Al-uloom college, Cairo University in 2005 and completed her pre-master in Islamic studies from the same institution in 2006. Furthermore, she has done special courses particularly related with the expertise of teaching Arabic language to non-native Arabs. She is working for development of a program through which non-Arabic students can learn Arabic very easily
Ustada Dalia has taught following books to several students - "Arabic Between your hands", "El-Assasi book", "Madina book series". She also has strong grip on English which gives her an edge.
Ustada Amira
Ustada Amira resides in Egypt and has a professional accreditation in “Reading and teaching of the Holy Quran” – Narration of Hafs and Shu’bah in the recitation of Aasem Ash-Shatebeyah and At-Tayebah ways. She studied fiqh of Quranic sciences (Tajweed, Tafseer and Hifdh) at the College of Islamic and Arabic Studies - American Open University (AOU).
Ustada Nesma
Ustadha Nesma is a native Arabic speaker. She has memorized the whole Qur’an at the age of 11 years old. Then, she completed tajweed at the age of 13 . She has two ijazas in Hafs riwayah in 2006 and 2007, with isnaad to the Prophet peace be upon him. She graduated from faculty of languages and translation, English department, Al-azhar University. She is very patient with the student, able to understand the needs of her student and able to teach and correct the right pronunciation of the holy Quran. She encourages her student to do his best and pronounce correctly.
Abou Ahmed
Ustad Abou Ahmed is an Egyptian and graduated from Al-Azher university (Egypt). He has ability to teach the Quran and tajweed as he studied the tajweed rules and finished his Quran Memorization in his childhood. Ustad Abou Ahmed has experience of teaching Quran recitation/Tajweed and Hifdh to children. He also possess Ijaza in Hafs recitation.
Abu Badawi
Ustad Abu Badawi has license of Islamic Shari'ah, Faculty of Islamic jurisprudence, Azhar University (Cairo, Egypt). Besides being native arab, he can speak English as well as Korean language. Ustad Abu Badawi has got ijaza in Hafs recitation. He teaches Quran and Tajweed to non-arabs.
Abu Aadam
Ustad Abu Aadam finished memorizing the Quran in 2005, and graduated from Al Azhar university, Islamic Da'wa faculty, English department in 2010. He is working as Imam and khateeb in the Masjid since 2010. He is a member of Maqra3ah in Egypt since 2013. Ustad Abu Aadam started teaching Quran and tajweed sine 2012 for non-Arab natives all over the world. He can also teach Arabic online. He is a hard worker always ready to help students and guide them to the right.
Ustada Mona
Ustada Mona is a native arab teacher and teaching Tajweed, Qur’an and Arabic “in English” to non-native speakers. She memorized the whole Qur’an in 2005 and has ijaza in Hafs and In shaa Allah soon will finish Sho‘bah riwayah . Ustada Mona has done BA in Islamic studies and Arabic Language from Cairo University, faculty of Dar_Alulom , 2009 and did her post graduation, Islamic law in Islamic studies ( fiqh hanafi .. shariea ) Cairo University, faculty of Dar_Alulom , 2011.
Ustada Sarah Elshafey
Ustada Sara Elshafey is qualified teacher from Al-azhar university, possesing islamic and Arabic degree. She finished her graduation in 2006 and has over 9 years experience as teaching in different institutions Egypt, England and Tunisia. Alhamdulillah, she carries a license of Intonation of the Holy Quran ;Haffs Ebn Assem way. She also carries license of the course “teach like a champion” granted by “Queen Rania Teacher Academy” Amman- Jordan. She participated in several international conferences on Quran studies held in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Qatar. Ustada Sara is a native arabic speaker and command over English language. She has been teaching students of all ages
Ustadha Amnah
Ustada Amnah is from Yemen. She studied Tajweed and memorized the holy Quran after secondary school. She graduated from Sana’a University (Yemen), department of English in 2008. Ustadha has 7 years of experience in teaching Tajweed-ul-Quran, memorization (hifdh), and Qaidah nuraniyah. She has expertise in teaching children (below age 12) and tries her best to make the lesson attractive for younger students.
Ustad Azeez
Ustad Azeez is a native arabic speaker currently residing in Egypt. He memorized entire Quran by heart and has Ejaza in Hafs way of Quranic recitation, furthermore on his way to finish the other ten qiraaat inshaallah. He is currently working as Quran teacher in Al-Azhar university (Egypt). Ustad Azeez leads taraweeh prayers during every Ramadaan at Almasjid
Ustad Mustafa
Ustad Mustafa is a native Arab teacher. He has memorized the whole Qur’an at the age of 12 years old. He has ijaza in both Hafs and Sho‘bah riwayah, with isnaad to the Prophet peace be upon him. He has BA in Islamic studies in English from Al-Azhar University, faculty of languages and translation Islamic studies department. He also has MA in the field of scientific interpretation of the Glorious Qur’an from the same department.
He is an Imam and Preacher in the Egyptian Ministry of Islamic Endowments, leads Muslims in prayers and give speeches and Jum‘ah khutbas continuously. He was nominated by the U.S. Consulate General Alexandria and selected by the Department of State to participate in the international visitor leadership program, interfaith dialogue.
He is teaching Tajweed, Qur’an and Arabic “in English” since several years, and tens of students graduate at his hands every year.
Ustada Nefissa
Ustadha Nefissa is a native Arabic speaker and an Arabic teacher from Egypt. She speaks Arabic and English fluently. She is graduated from Faculty of commerce (business Administration Department) Cairo University. She worked in London as Night Auditor and Accounting .Also as an Assistant Airport Manager (Taking minutes of meeting, filling, translating & organizing). After getting married , she joined husband and worked in Rosary school then English school in Umm Ulquewain. She was teaching Arabic and Islamic studies for non-arabs. she started memorizing Qur’an at the age of 36 (after knowing all its meaning as she believes that understanding must comes first and makes the memorization easier) then she completed it at the age of 44. After her husband passed away, She joined (Calling and Guidance Institute) in Cairo for four years to study complete story of Prophet Mohammad (MPCUH) which is in Arabic (Seerah), Aqeeda, basic Arabic with focus on Arabic grammar, balaghah (rhetoric), Arabic literature (adab), poetry (she’r), and other Islamic studies- Tafseer, Hadith, and Fequh and graduated with very good .In the middle of that she also joined Queraat Institute for 5 years .Then she joined for Post Graduate (FEQUH). Now started (TAFSEER) to get another Diploma. She has Ijaza (licence) from Awqaf ministry in Egypt to teach Quran and deliver speeches.
Ustad Sameer
Ustadh Sameer has 12 years of experience in teaching Arabic Language. He was born in Yemen and is a native Arab currently resides in Sanaa (Yemen). His professional skill and experience is in teaching Arabic Language. He has been teaching for non-speakers (ASL) in Sanaa Institute (Yemen) since 2003 and has also taught in Al-Asrya School. He is proficient is English and French Language and can teach Arabic language to both English and French people.
Ustad Sameer is patient, and considerate.He is understanding to the students linguistic and learning needs. During classes,he motivates learners to speak, he correct pronunciation where necessary and help students express their thoughts in Arabic.
Muhammad Hamed
Imam AbuAhmad has graduated from Al-Azhar University (Egypt) in 2005 after 17 years of studying Islamic Sciences from Quran and its science, Jurisprudence (Fiqh), Islamic History (Seerah), Hadith and Arabic language with all fields of it. Moreover, He specialized in Islamic studies in English and worked since 2005 in the field of translation the Islamic sciences from Arabic to English. He finished memorizing Quran at the age of 10 and collected all Tajweed rules – Theoretically and practically – at the age of 12. He recited the Quran to the famous Sheikh in Egypt, Sheikh Abu Al-Fotou Al-Tokhi who has given me the Sanad (Ijazah) -linked to the Prophet Muhammad (SAAWS)in the narration of Hafs from Asim and at this time I’m studying the seven readings of Quran from the way of Shatibiah. He worked as Imam and Khateeb since about 12 years in a mosque in Mansura city. He was appointed as professional Imam at the Egyptian Ministry of Awqaf in 2007. During this period he has taught all kinds of Arabic language and Islamic sciences. Also he travelled to UK as Imam and Khateeb twice; 1st was in Islamic Association of South Humberside (IASH) in Ramadhan 1429 AH and 2ed was in Markaz of Canterbury in Ramadhan 1432 AH. During these travels he taught non-Arabic Muslims the Quran, Tajweed, Fiqh according to all opinions, Islamic History and so on. he live now in Mansura city north of Cairo and used to travel to UK during Ramadhan
Ustada Nadia
Ustadha Nadia is a native Arabic speaker from Egypt. She speaks Arabic and English fluently. She has been teaching Arabic language to non-native speakers. Ustadha Nadia graduated from the faculty of education Arabic department in EIN-SHAMS University in 2007 and enrolled in Masters Degree. She finished Public & Private Diploma (for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers), also took course in Nahu and Sarf in Dar-Elelom college in Cairo University. During her experience in different institutes she taught different books i.e. AL-Kitab AL-Asasi, Kitab AL-Madina, Ktab AL-Arabia bin Yadaik and different books in Nahu and Sarf. She has a passion and love for teaching Arabic and always tries to make it easy to learn for students.
Ustad Sonosi Abdou
Ustad Sonosi Abdou is an imam and khateeb at Al-awqaf ministry since 2008 and has been teaching Qur’an since 2006. He memorized the entire Quran and has ijazah in Hafs-an-asem narration. He is qualified and experienced teacher graduated from Al-azhar university in 2008 from the faculty of languages and translation – Islamic studies. Ustad Sonosi Abdou is one of our very patient teachers with soft and clear speaking ability, perfect for students under the age of 12.
Ustada Jowana
Ustada Jowana is another experienced and skilled member of Mumtaz Institute. She is native Arabic speaker and certified in reading Quran with Tajweed and a trainer of Basic Quran Reading courses (Particularly to children). She has soft tone, calm attitude and friendly nature, which makes children comfortable in lessons. She is punctual, attentive and hard-working and truly cares about her student's progress. Ustada Jowana has 3 years of experience in teaching Quran reading to kids online. She possesses good English communication skill.
Amany Saber Awad
Amany Saber Awad is a Native Arab Speaker with expertise in diverse fields of Islamic Studies. She teaches Egyptian Colloquial Arabic (her native tongue), Modern Standard Arabic, Fiqh (Islamic Studies) and Islamic Jurisprudence in English and Arabic to Non-Native speakers. She completed her two years diploma from Islamic Studies Center, Egypt in 2001 with an extensive study of 16 subjects on two levels with marvelous grades. She also has a Bachelor degree of Accountant in depth from Alexandria University. Amany Saber Awad always try to innovate the traditional practices of teaching and interaction, so that the students can get accustomed to the real values of Islam. She is undoubtedly a teacher who wishes to help everybody to understand and bridge bridges between cultures so everyone can work hand in hand not only to cooperate but also to accept the differences out of the concept of: Oh, we created you of man and women and made you nations and trips to know each other
Ustada Fatima
Ustada Fatima has 10 years of experience in teaching Quran, Tajweed and Hifdh courses to elders and children. She has also taught Arabic language to non-native arabs. Mashallah, she is going to take ijaazah “reading” by hafs and shoaba and Aasem – from the way of Al Shatebyia.
Ustada Fatima has done bachelor of Art Department of Arabic Language, Cairo University 2005. She is fluent in English communication.
Ustad Yasir
Ustadh Yasir is a native Arabic speaker from Egypt. He obtained a BA in Islamic studies in English in 2006 from the faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University. He is an official mosque Imam in Egypt and a director of an Institute for teaching the Quran. Ustadh Yasir memorised the holy Quran at a young age and holds an Ijaza in Qirat Hafs, linked to the Prophet Muhammad (saw). In addition he has more than 7 years experience in translating Islamic texts, including the holy Quran and Hadith, Islamic creed, biography of the Prophet (saw), fatwas etc, from Arabic into English. Since 2006 Ustadh Yasir has helped many people to memorise Quran and understand the pure message of Islam.
Ustad Mosad
Ustad Mosad has bachelors from Al-Azhar university in the faculty of languages and translation (Department of Islamic Studies in English). After that, he did his Post Graduate Studies in the same faculty and department. Alhamdulillah, he memorized the whole Quran by heart. He is currenlty working as Daee (Imam and Khateeb) at the Egyptian Ministry of Awqaf (Endowments) since 2008. He has more than 7 years of experience of teaching Quran to kids as well as elders.
Abu Khalid
Ustad Abu Khalid was born in 1975 in Swat Pakistan. He memorized the Holy Quran at the age of 14.He completed his Secondary School along with Tajweedul Quran in 1995. He has donedifferent Arabic and English courses as well as his Higher Secondary School in 1997.
Learning different languages is his hobby, so he got admission in National Universityof Modern Languages Islamabad where he learnt French Language (2000).
He completed his graduation in 2000 and started teaching The Holy Quran, Arabic andEnglish in 2002. He has also done M.A in Islamic Studies from University of Karachi in2006. As a profession of teaching, He has also done B.Ed. (Arabic) from Allama IqbalOpen University Islamabad in 2007. He got Shahatul Alamia (M.A Arabic and Islamic Studies) fromWifaqul Madaris Ul Arabia in 2009. He taught Arabic and English in a well-known
He participated in different IslamicConferences throughout Pakistan . Currently, he lives in Bahrain.
Ustad Salah Ragab Salah
Ustad Salah Ragab is a native Arab speaker from Egypt. He finished his graduation from Al-Azhar University from the faculty of Languages and Translation in 2007. He has received Ijaza in 2015 from Sheikh "hamada salah sallam". He can communicate in English and German languages
Umm Omar
Umm Omar obtained her degree from Ain Shams University in Cairo in 2001. She acheived her Ijazah in Assem in 2004 and got her certificate from Markaz Alfurqan in Saudi Arabia in 2008 in alqaidah annuraniyah. She has been teaching Arabic, Quran and Tajweed to non -Arabic speakers (children & adults) for over 10 years and has taught from many Arabic and Tajweed books from kg up to advanced levels.
Ustada Arooj
Ustada Arooj currently resides in Madina,Saudi Arabia. She has done bachelors in Islamic studies from University of Punjab (Lahore, Pakistan). She studied Arabic language, Hadith, Seerat, History of Islam, English. She did her post-graduation diploma in Taleem-ul-Quran from Al-Huda foundation (Pakistan), where her relevant courses were, Al-Qur’an-Recitation and Tajweed, Al-Qur’an-Translation and Tafseer, Arabic Grammar, Fiqh, Duas and Uloom-ul-Qur’an.
Abu Hamzah
Ustadh Abu Hamzah is native arab from Egypt who memorized Quran by heart. He speaks Arabic and English fluently. He studied Tajweed about 16 years ago and has ijaza in Hafs way of Quranic recitation. Alhamdulillah he has many years of experience in teaching students of all ages how to recite and memorize Quran with built in tagweed rules and make them understand the pure message of Islam. He carries degree of bachelor of commerce graduated from Cairo university
Amira Abrahem
Ustada Umm Yusuf has graduated from faculty Islamic studies from Al-Azhar University. She has Ijaza in hafs riwayah. She possess 5 years teaching experience for Arabs and 3 years to non-native arabs.
Ustad Jamal
Ustad Jamal is an experienced Quran and Arabic teacher. In 2008, He got his license of Darul-uloom from Cairo university and started his career as an Arabic teacher in a school. He has been teaching Quran and Arabic for non natives online since 2013. Ustad Jamal has Ijazah in Hafs recitation.
Imam Mahmoud
Ustad Mahmoud has a BA degree in Islamic Studies in English from Al-Azhar University. He is a certified Azhari Imam and registered by Egyptian Ministry of Endowment. Ustad Mahmoud has more than four years of experience in teaching Quran, Tajweed, and Arabic online to both individuals from Canada, Britain, America, Thailand, Hong Kong, Qatar, and Emirates, in addition to groups studying. Ustad Mahmoud has taught from 5 to 58 years old students. He has experience of teaching Arabic from Noor Al Bayan and Al Qaidah An Nooraniyah books. Also he Participated in a TV show during the holy month of Ramadan hosted by Huda TV.
Shaykh Jalal
Shaykh Jalal is a prominent teacher of Arabic, Quran an Islamic Studies at the prestigious Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. He initiated his formal education under the instruction of Shaykh Fathi Rwash Afifi in Giza 1983, it was under his tuition that he completed his memorization of the Quran. Following this Shaykh Jalal pursued his studies at Al Azhar University, he graduated in 1992 achieving distinguishing grades with a degree in Arabic and Islamic studies. In 1993 he joined Mahad Shaykh Salah Ismail in Cairo, after spending 5 years in Tajweed specialization, Shaykh Jalal attained a degree in Tajweed Qirat Hafs. In 2003 he had been awarded an ijaza in Quran and Tajweed from Shaykh Abdul Nasir.
Following his extensive studies Shaykh Jalal was Imam of a Masjid in Pennsylvania, USA from 2005 to 2007. Other than fulfilling the role of an imam, his other duties included teaching (Quran and Arabic) and working within the Muslim community. In 2012 he had the honour of being appointed by Al Azhar University to be an official instructor In Kabul to teach Arabic and Islamic Studies.
His teaching career has spanned over two decades and has had the privilege of teaching individuals from all walks of life and various cultures, including native and non-native Arabic speakers. In January 2015 his experience and years of service was honoured by Al Azhar University as he received an award for his distinguished career.
Ustada Salma
Ustadha Salma is a native Arabic speaker. She is born and living in Egypt.She completed Hifz- AlQuran (memorization) and had an Ijaza in Hafs an Asim reading. She has 12 years experience teaching Quran in Egypt and 4 years experience in teaching non Arabic speakers.
Ustada Um Hend
Ustada Um Hend has Ijaza in Qira't Assem. She has been teaching recitation and tajweed in English since 2014. She also teaches reading Quraan using noor al bayan way. She has memorized the Quraan by heart.
Ustada Eglal
Ustada Eglal is qualified in B.A in English literature from faculty of Arts Cairo University. She is native Arabic speaker and speaks English fluently. Alhamdulillah, she memorized the entire Quran by heart. She has certificate in Qeraat in Alazhar institution (Egypt) and won the first place in Tajweed and Qeraat in Alazhar -High Sanad in teaching and memorizing Quran in Rewayat Hafs with Shaikh Abdel Azeez- Azzayaat (the best reader and reciter of Quran at that time and the teacher of most of well-known readers of Quran). Ustada Eglal also got Ijaza in Hafs and Warsh, Plus Ijaza in Nour -el-Bayan in teaching Arabic in Quran. She has been working as an English teacher for 3 years and teaching Quran for 19 years in which many memorized the whole Quran.
Abou Mostafa
Ustad Abou Mostafa is from Egypt and graduated with honors and an overall GPA of 86%. From Al-Azhar University. He is an Imam, Khatib and teacher for The Egyptian Ministry of Awqaf also an online Arabic and Quran teacher to teach non-Arabic speakers. He possess more than 8 years’ experience in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers and Quran to Muslims. His mission is to spread Arabic language as much as he can among Muslims around the world and to teach them how to read the Holy Quran. Due to his experience in teaching Arabic and Tajweed rules, he will be able Insha’Allah to make all the learning procedure easy and interesting for student.
Ustad Ali
Ustad Ali is an Arabic language teacher for non-native speakers. He taught 6 years and currently working at higher education ministry (international students education center). Ustad Ali has general diploma and special diploma of preparation teacher to teach Arabic language for non-native speakers at Cairo university.
Ustada Salsabeel
Ustada Salsabeel has graduated from the Faculty of languages and translation in 2015 from Al-Azhar University. She has memorized the whole Quran at the age of 12 years old. She has Ijazah in Qirat Asem (both Hafs and Sho'aba) and in her way to finish her ijaza in Riwya Warsh. She has experience in teaching Quran and Tajweed for Arabs and non-Arabs for 7 years. she has studied 3 years in Al Qiraat institute, Alazhar, and four years studying Islamic studies in preparing preachers institute.
Ustad Omar
Ustad Omar is a Quran and Arabic teacher for Non-Arabic speakers. He graduated from Al Azhar university in Egypt. Ustad Omar memorized the whole Quran and has Ijazeh in Hafs Way. Ustad has 5 years experience in teaching for Non-Arabic speakers.
Ustad Abdullah
Ustad Abdullah graduated from Al Azher university- faculty of languages and translation Islamic studies in English. He memorized the Holy Qur'an, and have Ijazah (authentication) of reading and teaching how to read the Quran according to the narration of Hafs from Aasim. On the other hand, Ustad has got high experience to teach the beginners read in Arabic-throughout using a certain books that can help children or adults to read in proper way and have a great knowledge of tajweed rules, traditions, Prophet's biography and legislation. Ustad Abdullah has great experience in teaching Quran (Hifz.recitation and reading. Ustad Abdullah is proficient in English and Russian languages. He acheived and maintained high standards of care and education, encouraging students to observe, question, discover, and investigate in order to engage them in their learning.
Ustada Umm Salman
Ustada Umm Salman memorized the Holy Quran and got Ijaza in Hafs from Asim. She graduated of Faculty of Education, department of English Language. Umm Salman has experience in teaching Quran and Qaeda Nooraniya for children. She taught Quran and Tajweed rules theortically and practically to Non-Arabs.
Shaykha Umm Salman is graduated from Faculty of Education, department of English language.
Al-Azhar University. She is memorizing the Holly Qur'an and is having Ijaza from Hafs an Asim and Shubaa from Islamic University of Minnesota. Her Shaykha is the chief of Kurdish Department in The Islamic university of Minnesota. Teacher Umm Salman is experienced in teaching how to read and how to recite The Holy Quran with Tajweed rules. She taught Arabs nearly 16 years and to non Arab Muslims for nearly 8 years. She is experienced in teaching kids the Holy Quran by Noor Elbayan method. She has taught them since 2008 in the nursery of Dar El Fat-h Al-Islamy in her city. She is certified and fluent in teaching Qaeda Noraniyya. She has taught foreign Muslims from different nationalities The Holly Quran. She has taught foreign kids and adult women starting from the beginner level. She has taught Qaeda Noraniyya, hifz and different levels of Tajweed Rules. She is able to teach Makharij and Siffat as she is fond of correcting recitation. She has taught Islamic studies and books like the book of (Commentry of forty Hadiths for Imam Nawawi)
She can teach Arabic language and Qur'anic Arabic as well.
Ustad Ehab
Ustad Ehab has done Bachelor of Language and Translations (English) - Islamic Studies Department – Al Azhar University in the year 2007. He worked as English Teacher for Primary students for 4 years. He is Islamic preacher at the ministry of awqaf since 2010 till now. Ustad Ehab has been reading and teaching according to Hafs recitation style.
Ustada Asmaa Magdy
Ustada Asmaa memorized whole Quran by heart and has been teaching Quran and tajweed more than 9 years ago. she has Ijazah in Qirat Asem (both Hafs and Sho'aba) and in her way to finish her ijaza in Riwya Warsh, she has done BA from the faculty of arts from Alexandria university. She is fluent in English language and has been teaching English language along with Arabic as well. She teaches tajweed rules in simplified way which are appropriate for kids who wants to learn in simple way from a proficient English speaking native arab teacher.
Ustad Ahmed
Ustad Ahmed is an experienced online Tajweed and Quran teacher. He has studied at Quran academy of Education and has Ejaza of Quran from Hafs from Aasem from Shatibiya way and another way it is called Rawdatualmoadall. He is a professional Tajweed and Quran teacher and has been teaching Quran and Tajweed online since 2014. He can teach Tajweed or Quran at all levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced; and across all age ranges too, from children through to adults.
Ustada Heba Mohammady
Ustada Heba is Certified, Experienced Native Arabic Tutor who has ability to teach Arabic language for beginners (Children and Adults) using boards, worksheets, flashcards , interactive games etc. She holds BA in Arabic linguistics from Ain Shams University. She has been teaching Arabic for more than six years On site and online, Meanwhile she dealt with different ages (4 to 50 years) and nationalities. She helped complete beginners to develop their Arabic phonetics specifically for Quran recitation and reading Arabic in general. Moreover she holds an Ijazah in Riwayat Hafs by Asem from one of the highest references (sanad ) Al- Shaikh Dr Abd ELbaset Hashim , So she can help student recite and memorize Quran smoothly including Tajweed rules .
Also her Academic studies at Ain shams University (Arabic language section) allows her to teach advanced levels Arabic Grammar (Nahw\sarf )
Ustad Mohammed Aziz
Ustad Mohammed Aziz has BA in Arabic and Islamic Studies from Al-Azhar University. He has been working as a teacher at Al-Azhar university from the year 2003 till now. He also worked as a language corrector for a saudi company. He has experience of teaching to non-native speakers.
Ustad AbdulKader
Usdtad Abdulkader is qualified in Islamic and Arabic studies in English from Al-Azhar University. Ustad Abdulkader worked for more than 3 years in teaching and memorizing Quran and Arabic. He got his Ijaza (Mastery) of reciting Quran from sheikh Abdullah Alsharqawy (The owner of facilitating the Quranic recitation series). He memorized entire Quran by heart, he can recite it in reading of Imam Asim by his two narrators Sho'ba and Hafs.
Ustada Hend
Ustadha Hend is a native Arabic speaker from Egypt, She memorized Quran when she was 14. She used to teach Quran recitation and Tajweed, Hifz else for more than 12 years Alhamdulillah. She has studied 4 years in callers Academy, 2 years in Qirat Academy in Al Azhar. She has an Ijazah *Isnad* in Hafs ,Shoaaba,and Warsh recitations. She started teaching sisters and children from many countries all over the world from about 4 years. She has reached a good knowledge of ways of teaching Tajweed and connecting it to recitation. My students can recognize all Tajweed rules now,with their reasons more than Arabs Alhamdulillah.
In Hifz , she can help children ,sisters ,elders to know their best way to memorize ,revise and keep Allah SWT words in their minds by adding Tafsir parts to the memorized juz ,else Arabic grammar ,Alhamdulillah.
Ustada Heba Mumtaz
Ustada Heba Mumtaz is an experienced Arabic teacher for non-native speakers, graduated from Faculty of Al-Alsun (Languages) Arabic section Ain Shams University in Cairo, which made her able to teach Arabic for Native speakers or non-native speakers. She has two certificates in Arabic, Bachelor of Al sun and Diploma in teaching Arabic for non-native speakers from Alexandria University in Alex, which qualifies her to teach all levels and has work experience in teaching Arabic and Islamic studies in centers. Nowadays she is doing her master in Arabic Linguistics and teaching Arabic in Alex university . She is a native speaker able to teach you modern standard Arabic , Quranic Arabic ( classical Arabic ) as well as Colloquial Egyptian Arabic.
Ustad Abou Hamzah
Ustad Abou Hamzah has B.A. Degree in Islamic Studies of English from the Faculty of Languages & Translation, Al-Azhar University, Pre-Master Degree in Quran studies from Faculty of Arts, University of Tanta, Egypt, He has been teaching online since 2015. In 2017, He got Ijaza in the whole Quran Kareem Suras in Qiraat Hafss from the way of Shatibiyah via one of the honorable and greatest Sheikhs and Scholars at Al-Azhar University in the field of Quran Sciences; Dr/ Abdullah Al-Sied Zawatt
Ustada Heba Ali
Ustatha Heba Ali is a hafiza of the whole Quran.She has a B.A from languages and translation college (English Department) Al-Azhar University. She is specialized in simulations interpretation. She has a strong background in all the fields of Islam as well as the Arabic language. Also, Ustada Heba Ali is an experienced teacher. She can deal properly with kids, teenagers and adults from all the levels,beginners,moderate and advanced.
Ustada Amany
Ustada Amany is working as Quran teacher since 3 years and has been teaching Quran reading, memorization, tajweed rules and recitation for non-Arabic. She has 2 years experience in online field. She has done several courses in tajweed rules, Qaidah Noraniah and on her way to hold Ijazah. She memorized 22 chapters of the Quran and currently in process of revision and re-enforcing her memorization.
Ustada Ghada
Ustada Ghada is a licensed teacher in the science of Tajweed from Cairo, Egypt. She has taught many students over the course of 30 years to read, recite and memorize the Quran according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (s.a.w.s). She enjoyed witnessing both children and adult students excel and learn to love the Quran. She has Ijaza - Hafs an Assem) and a Diploma in the Islamic Education Alhamdulilla.
Amira Refai
Ustada Amira graduated in Faculty of Arts from Ain-Shams University. She has an ijaza for Hafs an Asim (leading back to the Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him) and experience of more than 5 years for online teaching Quran, tajweed & Qaidaa nuraniah. She can teach kids & adults.
Ustada Zainab
Ustada Zainab graduated from faculty of Arts "Arabic Department 2008" and did diploma in education in 2013. She finished English language courses as well. Ustada possess two ejazah with hafs
Ustad Atef
Ustaf Atef worked as an Islamic Advisor at Al Azhar Sheihkdom, a graduate of the Department of Islamic Studies in English, at the Faculty of Languages and Translation. He is doing master (in progress) in the Islamic Studies (Quran Exegesis). He is also a graduate of the Quran recitations' Institute in Egypt. He has good experience of online teaching.
Ustada Sumaiyya
Ustada Sumaiyya graduated from Al-Azhar university (faculty of Islamic studies). She studied special diploma and and pre-master in department of Islamic studies. Alhamdulillah, she has memorized whole Quran by heart.
Ustada Saneya
Ustada Saneya got Ijaza at the Quraan memorization by the way of Hafs. She has experience for at least 10 years in teaching Quraan with tajweed rules and Qaeda Nooraneya for children .
she taught Quraan and tajweed rules theoretically and practically to non arabs for at least 4 years.
Ustada Naglaa
Ustada Nagla graduated from the faculty of commerce from Ain shams University (Egypt). She memorized the Holy quran. She has Ijazah by Hafs an Asem and shubah. She has Ijazah by Warsh an Nafea and another one by Qaloon an Nafea. She also has an Ijazah by Ibn katheer.
She got Ijazah from shaykh Misbah the highest Sanad in the world in Aseem ,Nafea and Ibn katheer
Ustad Abdelrahman
Ustad Abdelrahman lives in Egypt and graduated from Al Azhar. He worked worked as a Quraan teacher and has good experience in teaching Quran face to face and online, and teaching the Quraan since 6 years. He won in a lot of competitions of Quraan. He possesses good spoken English and can teach all ages. Alhamdulillah, Ustad memorized the Quraan 10 years ago, have two ejazahs in Quran.
Ustadha Umm Ibrahim
Ustadha Umm Ibrahim is graduate from Al-Azhar University, College of Islamic and Arabic Studies and has experience in teaching Qur'an and Noorani Qa'ida for Arab and non-Arab children. She is very passionate and has patience with children in teaching them
Ustada Sara
Ustada Sara is from Egypt. She studied Islamic studies, Hafs recitation and Qiraat (narrations) in Al Qiraat Institute (Affiliated with Al Azhar university,Cairo). She has worked as a Quran teacher since 2008. In addition, she has an experience of teaching recitation, hifz and tajweed for non arabic speakers. She has an excellent knowledge of tajweed rules as she has ijaza in Algazaria and Tohfat al atfal. She can take student from beginning to advanced levels in the plan with nouralbian method and al Qada al Nourania.
She will teach you letters, words,sentences,verses with rules of tajweed step by step with simple and easy way.
Ustada Aya Fathy
Ustada Aya Fathy completed Islamic studies at Al-Azhar (the largest and oldest University in the world). She studied Tafseer, Tajweed, Arabic, Hadith, Seerah and Tawheed. She has taken ijaza in Maasarawy center. Ustada Aya fathy got ijaza in 2015 from Dar Al-Nour. She memorized entire Quran with tajweed when she was 12 years old. She taught Quran and its sciences since 2005 in Quran centers. Ustada succeeded in more than 20 competition of memorizing Quran and has been honored so many times. She studied all Arabic Sciences (grammar, sarf, Rhetoric, and Arabic literature) in Al-Azhar Institute. She is energetic and has patience and is ready to do anything for the person who really wants to learn and has passion.
Ustada Shaimaa Mohamed Ali
Ustada Shaimaa studied Quran and Tajweed for three years in one of the famous Quran school Masjid Alfath in Cairo-Egypt. She worked as Quran Teacher in different institutions since 2013 teaching students how to recite Quran properly or memorization courses (including practical Tajweed and the fundamentals of Tajweed in theory in the English language). She also teach students the Arabic language in private classes since 2014 using Madinah books and العربية بين يديك. She enjoys teaching non-Arabic speakers step by step how to read each letter in the Arabic language with tashkeel (diacritics) and make them able to read whole words and sentences. She enjoys to convey and teach the Arabic language to those who aim to know this great language by using short stories, Flashcards, online whiteboard, and games.
Before that, she was giving Quran classes for kids in a center as she enjoys being with kids. She has learned how to be patient, friendly, good listener and how to deal with people from different nationalities. In addition, she studied Fine Art at the university and worked in drawing and hand painting field for 6 years.
Ustad AlHamza hassan
Ustad AlHamza hassan is an Egyptian teacher. He is qualified in the Arabic language and Islamic studies from the faculty of education Ein-shams university. He has special course in teaching Arabic and Quran for non-native speakers in the Cairo university. He has got Ijaza (mastery) of reciting Quraan,the Tuhfa and jazareya (tajweed), He memorized Quraan by heart, and he worked for more than 5 years teaching Quraan and Arabic language.
Ustad Ahmed Jabir
Ustadh Ahmed Jabir is quran teacher for all ages and can teach Quran Reading, Tajweed and Hifdh. Alhamdulillah, he memorized the entire Quran and has Ijaza (Certificate from Al-Azhar University). He has done Bachelor of Commerce and diploma of tajweed from Azhars qiraat Institute. He possess two ijaza in hafs and qiraat (warsh–IbnKather – Alkesay – Assem – Abo Gafar). Furthermore, he has plenty of online teaching experience.
Ustada Huda
Ustada Huda is from Egypt. She graduated from faculty of Education, English department (2012-2016). She has studied the tajweed rules and memorized the holy Quran in her school studies (2000-2008). She took an online course in teaching Arabic to non-Arabs in April/2016. She has an experience in teaching Quran to non-Arabs. She is working as a Quran teacher to non-Arabs online (15-6-2016 to present). She can teach all levels and can deal with different ages. She always likes to motivate my students and improve their skills. She is friendly and like to meet new people from all over the world.
Ustada Asmaa Mohammed
Ustada Asmaa Mohammed has an Ijazah in Hafs an Assem from the way of Al Shatibyah. She has memorized whole Quran by heart and has been teaching Quran recitation/Tajweed/Hifz/Arabic language to non native Arabic speakers since 2017.
Asmaa Mahmoud
Ustada Asmaa Mahmoud has completed Islamic studies at Al-Azhar (the largest and oldest University in the world). She has studied tafseer, tajweed, Arabic, hadith, seerah and tawheed. She has memorized Quran with tajweed when she was 12 years old. she has taught Quran and its sciences since 2011 in Quran center. She has a very good Experience in teaching online. she has taught to many Non-Arabic speakers from different countries around the world. She has succeeded in more than 20 competition of memorizing Quran and has been honored so many times. She has studied all Arabic Sciences (grammar, sarf, Rhetoric, and Arabic lit,) in Al-Azhar Institute and She speaks English fluently.
Ustad Muhammad Abduallah
Brother Muhammad Abduallah studied at al-Azhar university and graduated from Language and translation Faculty, the department of Islamic studies by English. He has worked online Quran teacher for 3 years.
Ustada Hoda AbdelMawgood
Ustada Hoda is a native Arabic speaker.She has memorized the Holy Quran from 11 years.She memorized entire Quran by heart . She is qualified in teaching Quran Kareem & rules of Tajweed , help non-Arabs to recite & memorize Quran in correct way .Ustada Hoda graduated from Cairo University . She has three Igaza in Hafs & Shoaba riwayah with isnad to Prophet peace be upon him .She has Ijaza in Al-gazarea & Tohfat Al-Atfaal. Ustada Hoda has a lot of experience in teaching Quran & Tajweed from 2013 till now .
Ustad Ismail
Ustad Ismail is from Egypt and graduated with honors From Al-Azhar University.also an online Arabic and Quran teacher to teach non-Arabic speakers. He possess more than 4 years’ experience in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers and Quran to Muslims
Ustad Muhammad Hassan
Ustad Muhammad Hassan has Bachelor Degree of Arabic Language Department and Islamic science University of Alexandria, Faculty of Education. He als has master Degree In Educational Psychology and Teaching Strategies for High School Students from the League of Arab States
University. Ustad Muhammad Hassan is currently a lecturer in Arab scientific organization for teaching Arabic language and Holy Quran. He has been selected by the Ministry to travel abroad to several countries of Bahrain and Beirut to participate in international meetings. Ustad also has passed TOEFL (Test of English as a foreign language). Besides being native arab, he is fluent in English at the same time.
Ustada Maha Salah
Ustadha Maha Salah is a native arabic speaker graduated at Faculty of engineering from Benha University (Egypt). She possess an IJAZA in Quraan reading. She studied Noor al bayan, Noraniah Qaidah, and Baghdadiah. She can teach Quran recitation, Memorization, tajweed rules,
Nooraniah Qaidah, Nooralbayan, reading Arabic, Arabic grammar for beginners and also Islamic studies.
Imam Samy
Imam Samy Said is a native Arab teacher and experienced in teaching Quran recitation, Hifdh and tajweed. He graduated from Daua College, Al Azhar University, 2004. Since 2004 till now, he had been teaching Quran in institute of Al Azhar University. For 13 years, he taught many students how to recite Quran correctly and lots of them memorized Quran.
Ustad Mohamed Farid
Ustad Mohamed Farid is a medical student who has memorised the Holy Quran at the age of 10. He holds several Ijazat in Hafs and holds an Ijaza in the Qiraa of Asem. He studied at Al-Qiraat institute of Al-Azhar and is currently working to get an Ijaza in the 10 Qiraat. He also works as an Imam of an Egyptian Masjid and leads the daily prayers. Ustad Mohamed has 8 years experience in teaching the Quran to Arabic speakers. He also has a good experience in teaching Nahw (Arabic Grammar) to primary and secondary students in Egypt.
Ustada Sonia Elshahawy
Ustada Sonia Elshahawy has got PhD of Osool Eldeen Interpretation and Quranic sciences from Islamic American University Mishkah in USA. She got Ijaza (mastery) in narration of Hafs and Shoaba from Asim by the road of Shatebya, from Shaykha Amal Abd Elsalam (a director of Tafaol the charity association for teaching Quran Tajweed Fiqh Islamic studies and Arabic language). Ustada memorized memorized entire Quran by heart. She also possesses high diploma of preparing teachers of Quran Tajweed Fiqh Islamic studies and Arabic language from Alawqaf ministry which affiliated to Alazhar Alsharif. Ustada Sonia Elshahawy received certificate of ICDL (The international computer deriving license) from UNESCO. She has worked more than 10 years experience of teaching.
Muhammad Magdy
Ustad Ayman Esaam
Ustad Ayman received his Bachelors from the Darul Uloom College from Cairo University (graduated in 2007) with a specialization in the Arabic Language and Islamic Sciences. He participated in a number of training sessions offered by Cairo University geared towards teaching Arabic. Currently he is studying in the Pre-master ( Symantec ) in Darul Uloom College from Cairo University . After finishing his education, he spent number of years working for institutions in Egypt specializing in teaching the Arabic language to non-Native speakers. Nowadays he is an Arabic teacher at "Albashaer schools" (American and British International School) in Cairo. Ustad Ayman also worked at Al-Imam Ibn Al-Madini Center to serve the Islamic Heritage and Scientific Books.
Ustad Mostafa Salama
Ustad Mustafa Salama was born in Eygpt. He works as a teacher of religion and Arabic language in Al-Azhar University. Ustad memorized the Holy Quran with tajweed and he has experience of 10 years in teaching Holy Quran with tajweed. He is expert in Noorani qayeda and teaching Quran to children. He makes plan for every student.
Ustada Shaimaa Ali
Ustadha Shaimaa Ali is a teacher with 5 years of experience in teaching Quran to non-Arabs and 13 years to Arabs . She got Ijaza in rewayat Hafs -Cairo, 2008, ijazah in islamic education 2010.
Ustada Amira Mohammad
Ustada Amira is an Egyptian Quran, Hifz and Tajweed tutor. She enhances her process of teaching using attractive methods as Microsoft PowerPoint. She is native Arabic speaker and speaks English fluently. She graduated from Faculty of Languages and Interpretation in 2017 from Al Azhar University (Egypt) where she studied Fiqh, Tafseer, Hadeeth,Seerah and Tajweed. She is working on an Ijaza of Hafs from Assem at Surat AlQamar. She is ready to teach Quran and Tajweed to Arabic and non-Arabic speakers (females and children). You will be fluent in reciting Quran Insha-Allah. In her plan of Alqaida Alnoorani, she will teach you letters, words, sentences and verses with rules of Tajweed step by step with simple and easy way. She will help you to recite Holy Quran correctly as much as possible Insha-Allah.
Ustad Ahmed Eldarawy
Ustad Ahmed Eldarawy has Bachelor of Sharia and law - Al-Azhar University, department of Islamic Law with very good grade. He holds a two-year introductory Division of General Jurisprudence, Faculty of Sharia law and an estimate (very good). He holds a masters degree in jurisprudence from the Faculty of Sharia law and Al-Azhar University (with Distinction). He is currently doing PHD and holding a training course for imams at the Ministry of Endowment very good grade. Ustad Ahmed Eldarawy worked as imam at the Ministry of Endowment since 2006 . He memorized the holy Quran at the age of 11.
Shaykh Abu Bilal
Shaykh Abu Bilal finished his degree of Islamic studies in English from faculty of languages and translation Al-Azhar University (Egypt). He has Ijaza and two years of experience in teaching Quran and tajweed online. Shaykh also has an educational diploma from Al-Azhar university. He currently works as an imam and khateeb in the Ministry of Egyptian Awqaf.
Aya Hussien
Ustada Aya Hussien memorized whole Quran by heart. She got an Ijaazah of Hafs by the way of shatibiyyah in 2011, and Ijazah of Hafs by the way of tayyibat al-Nash in 2012. Also, Ijazah in the Qira'a Asem in 2013 as well as Ijazah in Nouraniya in 2014. She has an experience in teaching recitation and Tajweed rules to foreigners online for 1 year and also taught them onsite for 2 years.
Ustada Marwa Adel
Ustada Marwa Adel graduated from faculty of Islamic Studies Department of Interpretation and Quran Sciences at Al Azhar University and holds diploma in Islamic Studies, and now doing Masters. She served Quran for 15 years and has an Ijaza in Quran from Sheikh ِAl Masrawy. She has extensive experience of Teaching Quran to Arabs and Foreigners, gained experience from different popular institutes and taught hundreds of students online and offline. Her aim in life is teach Al Quraan and Islamic Studies as The prophet (peace be upon him) Said The best of you are the ones who learn the Quran and teach it to others” [Al-Bukhari] Keeping the above hadith in mind She opted for learning the recitation of the Quran first and alhamdulillah after receiving the permission (ijaza) now she would like to teach the Quran to those who are struggling with this noble form of worship. She is a professional, reliable teacher who enjoys teaching Tajweed using easy method.
Ustad Muhammad Al Ayyaat
Ustadh Muhammad Al-Ayyaat is working as an Islamic Researcher at Al-Azhar Sheihkdom. He is a graduate of the Department of Islamic Studies in English, at the Faculty of Languages and Translation. He is doing master (in progress) in the Islamic Studies (Islamic Theology). He memorized the Ever-Glorious Quran when he was 14. He has a melodious sound in Quran recitation and has long been a prayer leader in many mosques. He delivers Friday sermons and has a sufficient experience in teaching Islamic studies and Arabic Language for people of other Languages.
Ustad Abdelfattah Mohammad
Ustad Abdelfattah graduated from Al Azhar university,faculty of languages and translation ,division of Islamic studies in English in the year 2006. He was appointed in the ministry of Awqaaf as Imam in 2007. He spent 11 years in the field of Dawah as an Imam in Awqaaf. He has been teaching Quran tajweed rules for foreign students. Ustad also has Ijazah (licence) in Hafs and currently in process of completing the ten Qiraat by keeping Al-Shatibyah and al Durrah.
Ustada Enas Omar
Ustada Enas Omar specialized in memorization and recitation from Egypt. She has Ejaza in memorization the holy Quran. She studied Islamic studies she has solid experience in teaching Quran in several brilliant academic institutes. She studied Arabic language for eleven years. She will take you from zero level to advance levels in reading Quran inshaa-Allah in our plan with Qaeida, She will help you to improve your recitation in short time insha-Allah.
Ustad Mohamed Almorsy
Ustad Mohamed Almorsy is from EGYPT. He is a native Arab and he teaches Arabic language to non-Arabs with enthusiasm and professional. He has done bachelors from Al-Azhar University (Egypt), Faculty of & languages Translation and has valuable experience of teaching hifz & tajweed. He possess an IJAZA in reading holy Quran in HAFS & ASEEM RIWEA. Alhamdulillah, he is patient with the student and able to understand the needs of his student and able to teach and correct the right pronunciation of reading holy Quran. He encourages his student to do his best and pronounce correctly. Ustad Mohammed almorsy has calm attitude and friendly nature, which makes children comfortable in lessons. He is punctual, attentive and hard-working and truly cares about his students progress
Ustada Mona
Ustada Mona Mahmoud has memorized whole quran by heart and has three ijaza in Quran two ijaza in Hafs an Asim and one ijaza in Shubah. She can teach quran and she has valuable experience of teaching hifz ,recitation, tajweed rules ,Noranya. She has experience of teaching 5 years to Arabs and 2 years to non Arabs.
Ustada Hoda mostafa
Ustada Hoda mostafa has Ijaza in the narration of Hafs and shubah in the recitation of Ash- atebia and has ijaza in noor albian. She has been teaching Quran and tajweed for more than 11 years with many academy and masjid for Arabic and non Arabic speakers and online also. She was working with sisters Arabic academy.
Abdurrahman Said Sayed
Abdurrahman Said Sayed is an Iman, Preacher and a reciter from Egypt. He memorized whole Quran by heart and recites the 10 Qiraat and professionalized them. Abdurrahman Said was given an ijazah in the 10 Qiraat by various renowned Shaykhs. He worked as an imam and preacher at Al-Huda Masjid in Shubra Al
khima, Al-Badia Masjid and Al-Rahman Masjid. He also worked in HudaTV satellite channel as a permanent guest in some programs. His guest appearance is available here to watch. https://youtu.be/f11-K5MG0jw.
Ustada Sumaya Aweis
Ustada Sumaya Aweis Mohammad graduated from the Institute of preachers. She memorized Quraan by heart 12 years ago. She possesses two ijazahs in memorization. She is on the way to receive Hafs and Shoubah an Aasim and ijazah in Aljazareyah And tohfat Alattfaal. She is teaching Quraan since 10 years in Dar ul Zaid Ibn Thabet and teaching Quraan online as well.
Ustada Shaymaa mohammad
Ustada Shaymaa mohammad graduated from faculty of education ain shams university. She memorized holy quran by heart. She has three ljaza in reciting and memorizing Quran. She has been teaching quran for 10 years and online teaching for 3 years. She also possess an igaza in ten readings of quran.
Ustada Gehan Ahmed
Ustada Gehan graduated from the faculty of Arts university of Cairo. She memorized the full Quran by heart alhamdulellah. She has Certificates (Egaza) in hafs an Asem. She has a certificate in one of the most important tajweed books on the Islamic world. She possess experience of more than 8 years.
Ustada Shaimaa Kamel
Ustada Shaimaa Mohamed Kamel has memorized the holy Quran with Tajweed and have Ijazah in rewayat Hafs reading. She graduated from faculty of applied arts Helwan university. Ustada possess more than 10 years of experience in teaching Quran to Arabs and one year and half to non-Arabs. Her expertise is Quran memorizing and recitation, Rules of tajweed and Qaeda Norania.
Shaykh Abderrahman Tawfik
Sheikh Abdelrahman Tawfik Ibrahim saleh is an Imam. He was born in 1977. Shaykh has memorized the holy Quran with Tajweed and having Ijazah in ten reading. He graduated from faculty of Dar Al-uloom Cairo university, faculty of applied arts Helwan university. He has more than 15 years of experience in teaching Quran to arabs and one year to non-Arabs.
Ustad Assem Muhammad
Ustad Assem graduated in the faculty of commerce from Alexandria university (Egypt). He memorized the holy Quran. He has ijazah by Hafs an Assem and shubah.
Ustada Shimaa Alfeky
Ustada Shimaa Alfeky has bachelors degree in Islamic Studies from Al-Azhar University. She graduated with honors from the department of Arabic language 2017 and has special diploma in education from faculty of education 2018. She memorized the Quran very well with tajweed rules and she got the fourth place at the level of the Arab Republic of Egypt in memorizing the Holy Quran. She can explain tajweed with English and able to understand the needs of her student and able to teach and correct the right pronunciation of the holy Quran. She encourages her students to do their best and pronounce correctly.
Ustada Noha Asem
Ustada Noha Asem is a Quran and Arabic tutor from Egypt with high experience Alhamdulillah. She has ejaza after she finished memorization of Holy Quran. She also possess ejaza tohfet Al atfal and studying al jazria in tajweed rules as well as course of teaching Noor Al Bayan. She hopes to make learning Quran and Arabic more easier for every one who think learning Quran and Arabic are hard.
Ustad Mahmoud Amer
Ustad Mahmoud Amer has got Languages & Translation bachelor degree from Al-Azhar University (Egypt). He memorized whole Quran by heart and has Ijazah.
Hafsa Omar
i'm Arabic، tajweed and quran teacher For non - Arabic speakers
I worked for 10 years in teaching , memorizing quran In islamic Community and i got my ijaza (mastery) of reciting quran from
sheikh azhar إبراهيم عيسى عن الشيخ عبد الباسط هاشم
I memorized entire quran by heart
I was working Online with an Institute for Arabic Language Teaching for non-native speakers
i graduated from
Faculty of Dar Al Uloom
Cairo University
and I have special diploma in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers from Cairo University
and I have a certificate of memorizing the entire Holy Quran with excellent degree
Ekhlas abdellatif ali
Assalam alikom my na me is ekhlasabdellatif I graduated from Al azhar university I have ecperience for 4years in teaching foreign women and children I'm memorizing all of the Quran and I can teach Quran recitation and memorization and noor bayan and arabic
Ustad Abdelrahman Ali
Ustad Abdelrahman Ali graduated from the faculty of education (English department, Al Azhar university in Egypt). He memorized all of Qur'an by heart with Tajweed Rules. He has Ijazaha in the nareation of Hafs An Assem. His first language is Arabic and he can speak fluently as well. Ustad Abdelrahman Ali has more than five years experience in teaching Qur'an and Tajweed Rules to non Arab speakers. He did more than 10,000 online classes to Non-Arabs.
Ustada Walaa Helmy
Ustada Walaa Helmy has ijaza in hafs and assem and having elqraat el ashr now. She memorized whole Quran by heart and has been teaching Quraan for Arab for a long time and for non arabs for year or so.
Ustada Aya Hamdy
Ustada Aya Hamdy is Quran tutor with Ijazah in Hafs narration. She is a certified trainer of Al-Qaidah Al-Nouraniah and an English Instructor for 4 years. Ustada Aya Hamdy holds translation diploma from The American University In Cairo and CELTA, TEFL training to teach with active learning methods.
Radwa sobhy yusef Ali
Ustadha Radwa Sobhi yusuf was born on November 1988. She is a native Arabic speaker and has a bachelor degree in Islamic studies -Shareeaa branch- from Al Azhar University as she studied there: Quran and its science, Fiqh, Seerah, Hadith, and Arabic language with all fields of it. She used to get an excellent grade or very good specially in Tawheed that she likes most. She memorized the whole Quran by heart and she has IJAZA in (Hafs). She can teach both Quran and Arabic language for non-Arabic Muslims with professional attitude. She has more than 6 years experience of teaching hifz, recitation, Arabic and Tajweed online. All her students loved classes with her as they found classes fun.
Ustada ElShaimaa Osama
Ustada ElShaimaa Obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Specialized teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers, from the Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Arts (Alexandria University). She graduated from The Faculty of Education, Arabic Language Department (Alexandria University). Teaching Arabic is her specialty and passion as well. Currently, she is studying in Master in linguistics studies at Faculty of Arts, Arabic department, Alexandria University. She obtained certificates in memorization of Quran from Al-Azhar institution. She has an experience in teaching Quran and Arabic to Non-Native Speakers, as she taught Kids, teenagers, and Adults Arabic and Qur'an Alhamdullilah.
Ustad Abu Bakr Waked
Ustad Abu Bakr graduated from Al Azhar university (The Arabic language faculty). He has an ijazah in Hafs as well as ijazah in al agromyia. He has an experience more than 10 in Quran
teaching Al hamdulellah. He has beautiful voice of Quranic recitation. He has been an Imam in many masjids in Cairo (Egypt)
Ustad Ibrahim Mansour
Ustad Ibrahim Mansour got (Ijaza) mastery of reciting Quran from Sheikh (Nabeel Ali Ahmed). He finished Bachelor Degree in Dawaa faculty From Al-Azhar University (Egypt) and was awarded a testimony of ten accents of Quran from Al-Azhar in 2007. He has studied the English language at the British Council from 2008 to 2010. He is expert in teaching Arabic and Quran to Non-Arabs.
Ustada Amina Samy
Ustada Amina Samy graduated from the faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies (Al-Azhar University in Cairo). She did majors in Arabic language. Ustada Amina Samy possesses over 6 years experience in teaching Arabic language to non-native speakers. She has over 3 years experience in teaching Quran to non-native speakers. She helped many students (children - teenager - adults) in learning Arabic Language,reading and memorizing Holy Quran with Tajweed.
Ustada Amira Mokbel
Ustada Amira Mokbel graduated from Helwan university faculty of Arts. She memorized whole Quran by heart and She has many ijazah and certificates in Islamic studies with Arabic and English. She got ijazah on Al-Qaida An-Nooraniah. She is on her way to get Ijazah for Quran. She is working as English Tajweed Trainer. She can teach Tajweed in English with different and easy methods Alhamdullillah. She knows to deal with kids during classes with interesting ideas. She has experience for 5 years.
Ustad Mahmoud Beshr
Ustad Mahmoud Beshr graduated in 2019 from faculty of languages and translation - Al Azhar University (Simultaneous interpretation department). He memorized half of the Quran and worked as Quran and English teacher.
Ustada Ruwayda Aladawy
Ustadh Ruwayda has graduated from the faculty of Daralaoom for Arabic and Islamic studies with good grades. She has memorized whole of the Holy Quran by heart with Hafs an Asem. Ustada has more than 10 years of teaching experience. She is currently getting master degree in Arabic grammar (nahw). She has numerous certificates in teaching Arabic for non-native speakers.
Ustad Khaled AbdelMagoud
Ustad khaled Abdelmawgood was born in 1971. He graduated from Cairo university with grade good. He is a native Arabic speaker and an Arabic teacher from Egypt. He speaks Arabic and English fluently. After 2 years of studying Islamic Sciences, (Fiqh), Islamic History (Seerah),and Hadith with all fields of it, he obtained an IJAZA in reading holy Quran in HAFS & ASEEM RIWEA. Alhamdulillah, he is patient with the student and able to understand
the needs of his student and able to teach and correct the right pronunciation of reading holy Quran. He encourages his student to do his best and pronounce correctly. Ustad Khaled has calm attitude and friendly nature, which makes children comfortable in lessons. He is punctual, attentive and hard-working and truly cares about his students progress.
Ustada Maha Shehata
Ustada Maha Shehata Abd-elhady graduated from Faculty of Commerce English Section (Tanta University). She learned Quran at Al-Masaarawy institution in Kafr el-shiekh (2012-2015)
She has been teaching Tajweed since 2017. She is patient teacher and make subject easy to learn for the students. She helps student to recite the Quran as it was revealed and helps non-Arabic speakers practice using the correct makhraj and sefat step by step. She has got a particular teaching style that use with children who are 4 years old and above.
She got many teaching skills and methods that help students be successful and help build their confidence.
Ustada Alshimaa hamada
Ustada Alshimaa hamada mohamad is from Cairo (Egypt). She worked in international school for religon and Quran teacher. She gratuated from Al-Azhar university (Bachelor of Islamic and Arab studies). She has a general educational diploma. This diploma qualifies to be a good teacher to opt an appropirate behavior with the student. She learned psychology also.
She has an ejaza hafs an asem and she memorized Holy Quran by heart. She can teach Tajweed and Islamic studies in English.
Ustada Doaa Abdelkhaleq
Ustada Doaa Abdelkhaleq worked as a teacher for non native speakers 7 years ago. She graduated from Al-Azhar university. She explained tajweed from noon sakinah and tanween rules to Mudood in Arabic and English language. She possess an Ijaza on hafs recitation, Tuhfatu Alatfal, Aljazaryah, Qa'da nouranyah, Ajorromyah in nahw and Qatr Alnada in nahw. She explaind Ajorromyah in nahw as well as oum Alqura books and islamic university books.
Ustada Amal Esmaiel
Ustada Amal Esmaiel graduated from Al-Azhar University College of Islamic and Arab Studies. She got general Diploma in Education from the same university. She possess an ejaza on (Assem - Ibn Amer – khalaf alasher - Kisaee_khalaf and Aqra, Hamza and ashab assela) She has ractical training on alqeraat alashr. She worked as Quraan teacher to children & adults.
Mahmoud Sayed Ali
Ustad Mahmoud Sayed Ali memorized The Holy QURAN by heart in 2009. He did bachelor from AL-AZHAR University (faculty of Law and Islamic Shariah) with grad A+. He also did post-graduation from AL-AZHAR Centre for teaching English. He was nominated the ideal student at the college level.
Ustad Magdy Mohamed alfeky
Ustad Magdy Mohamed alfeky graduated from Al Azhar university, Islamic Da'wa faculty,in 2010. He is working as Imam and khateeb for The Egyptian Ministry of Awqaf since 2011. He started teaching Quran and tajweed since 2014 for non-Arab natives all over the world. Ustad Magdy possesses Ijazaa in Hafs an Aasm. Due to his experience in teaching Arabic and Tajweed rules, he makes all the learning procedure easy and interesting for students.
Ustada Dina karam Galal
Dina karam graduated from faculty of Arts (English department) from Cairo university. She is Quran and tajweed and islamic teacher. She memorized whole Quran by heart and in process currently to get Ijaza.
Ustada Manal Salama
Ustada Manal Salama graduated from Al-Azhar university (faculty of islamic and Arabic studies). She memorized the holy Quran and has ijazah in Asem recitation (hafs and shuabah). She has worked as Quran and Arabic teacher for non-native speakers for many years. She has high diploma in methods of teaching Arabic from the faculty of education.
Ustad Abdullah mahmoud
Ustad Abdullah Mahmoud graduated in B.A Islamic studies in English from Al-Azhar University (Egypt). He studied Tajweed rules and finished Quran Memorization in his childhood. He has an experience of teaching Quran recitation, Tajweed and Hifdh to kids and adults. He also possess an Ijazah in Hafs recitation. Ustad got special Diploma in Education from the Faculty of Education in teaching Arabic and how to speak the daily common used Arabic words (conversation) with enthusiasm and professional attitude.
Ustada Hajar
Ustada Hajar Graduated from Faculty of Arts Media studies then started her journey with Qur’an & Islamic studies on 2011. She finished studying Qur’an recitation & Tajweed at AlArqam institute at 2015 then took a diploma with Ustada Om Abdul-Salam for Advanced Qur’an teachers.
She studied Qaida Noorania along side different professional Quran & Tafsir courses.
Ustad Mohamed Reda
Ustad Muhammad Reda graduated from faculty of science (Helwan university). He memorized whole Quran. He is young and enthusiastic teacher. He can speak English very well alhamdulillah. Ustad Muhammad reda possesses Ijaza in asem _abo jafer_abn katheer_kalon_abn amer_alkesaiy_khalf elasher.
Ustada Fathiya Fathi
Ustada Fathiyah Fathi is from Egypt. She memorized whole Quran and was graduated from faculty of Literature, Department of Arabic Language (Zagazig University). She did comprehensive course on the method of teaching Arabic words to kids through Nour-al-Bayaan and Qaida Nouranyah. She trains female teachers on the method of teaching Noor-Al-Bayan. She has great experience in this field and got talent in dealing with children.
Ustada Sohier Abdou
Ustada Sohier Saad graduated from the Faculty of Arts, Tanta University, Department of French Language, She memorized the whole Quran. She got a course in the tajweed rules and a course in Arabic grammar. Moreover, she has got 4 Ijaza from Sheikha Altaf. She taught for Arabs more than 10 years and for non-Arabs for 3 years
Ustada Hanaa khaled abdelatif
Ustada hanaa Khaled was born in Cairo (Egypt). She graduated from Cairo university dar el oloom. She has an Ijaza in hafs. She has been teacher Arabic since 15 years and 4 years to non-arabs.
Mohamed Ahmed Zayed
Ustad Mohamed Ahmed Zayed graduated from Al-Azhar University Faculty of Education
(Department of English language). He memorized whole Quran by heart. He obtained a public speaking license from the Ministry Of Awqaf and got many certificates of appreciation. He successfully passed the professional development training from Oxford University.
Ustada Amira Mohammed
Ustada Amira Mohammed is a native Arabic language speaker. She is an Arabic language teacher for non arabic speakers. She is certified Arabic tutor and have got a diploma in teaching Arabic language to non native Arabic speakers from Cairo University, faculty of Education. Currently she is preparing for a master degree in Arabic grammar from Cairo University (Dar Alulum faculty). She possesses more than 10 years experience alhamdulillah.
Abdelrahman Elsayed Meshref
I'm Abdelrahman Elsayed Meshref.I'm 42. I work as an electrical engineer.l keep the holly Quran by heart . I have been learning Quran for twenty years. I am graduated from Alqra'at institute. I have many ijaza .
Ustada Poinciana Muhammad
Ustada poinciana, qualified in BA Islamic and Arabic studies from Al-Azhar university, has diploma in education from the faculty of education. She has an Ijaza in Asem and Ibn Amer readings from Almasarawy center. Teaching Qur'an to Arabs and non-Arabic and Tajweed rules with easy and effective ways.
Ustada Hoda Galaal Mahmoud
Ustaza Hoda Galaal is qualified in teaching quran and tajweed for all ages. She is a holder of the entire holy quran from the age of twelve and she memorized the Quran in Al-Azhar instiute.
Ustaza Hoda worked as a Quran and tajweed teacher for 10 years for Arab students and 2 years for non Arab students. She has ijaza in teaching the Noraani Qaidah. Also she can teach Noor Albyan and The Baghdady primer for beginners. She is working towards ijaza in Hafs recitation
She has a creative and interactive methods in teaching and she has the ability to deal with different kinds and levels of students.
Ustada Asmaa Khaled
Ustada Asmaa khaled has graduated from the faculty of English Language and Simultaneous interpretation at Al-Azhar University. She possesses a certificate from Al-Azhar mosque in studying Tajweed rules in English. She has an experience in teaching Quran reading, hifz al Quran as well teaching islamic studies .
Ustada Fatma Abdelsattar
Ustada Fatma Abdelsattar is an Egyptian Quran teacher. She is studying at Al Azhar University Arabic department. She has taken an English language course. She is a Hafiz of the Holy Quran with a profound understanding of the Tajweed rules and Quran recitation. She Studied Islamic sciences in Arabic, Memorized the Holy Qur'an with an Ijazah linked to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Ustada got a course in Noor el bayan. She taught students from many different countries such as USA, UK,India, Canda, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. She taught them Quran, Noor Al Bayan and Islamic studies. she can teach with simple way especially to kids.
Ustada Shaimaa Muhammed Ahmed
Ustada Shaimaa Muhammed Ahmed is a professional Quran, Tajweed, Arabic language and Islamic studies teacher for Non-Native speakers. She possesses three Ijazas in the Quran and also Ihas Ijaza in Nour Al Bayan. She passed course of Al Nourania at Al-forqan institution. She has Lenience degree of English languages and Translation (AL-Azhar University). She has been teaching Quran, Arabic language and Islamic studies to children and women.She taught kids from USA Quran and Arabic language so now they can read, write, listen and speak the Arabic language. Allhamdullah kids love her lessons. Ustada Shaimaa Muhammad uses simplified methods of teaching Quran, Tajweed and Arabic language.
Ustada Asmaa Mahmoud
Ustada Asmaa Mahmoud memorized Holy Quran at her early ages. She is a native Arabic speaker. She speaks English well and has experience of teaching recitation, Hifz and Tajweed to non-Arabic speakers. She is a friendly Teacher and loves what she does. She can make you to pronounce every word of the holy Qur'an in a correct way as well as also will help you to memorize some important surahs of Quran. Alhamdulillah, she has 10 years of experience in teacher teaching Quran and Tajweed for adults. She is a student in The Arab Science and Islamic Studies Program at Dar al-Ulum College (Cairo University) and knows all the rules of the Arabic language. She can help you to be excellent in Arabic language through learn Arabic (read, listen, speak and write). She loves her work and considers it as her passion.
Ustad Abu Bakr Ibrahim Sayed
Ustad Abu Bakr Ibrahim Sayed graduated from the faculty of languages and translation - Islamic department - English section. He graduated from the institute of recitations, Al-Azhar University. He possess an Ijaza in the ten recitations from sheikh/ Abdul-Al Ahmad. He worked as Quran and Arabic teacher for 12 years, and for non-Arabs for 2 years.
Ustad Ahmed Almashad
Ahmed Elsayed Almashad
29 years
Bachelor degree of English language from Damietta university.
I finished the memorizstion of the holy Quran at the age of fifteen.
Great experiences in the field of teaching the rules of reading the holy Quran to non Arabic speakers.
I worked in many companies as a teacher for the holy Quran to non Arabic speakers speakers.
I worked in eaalim.
I worked in mu Muaalim.
I worked in Alfath institute.
I worked as a freelancer translator before.
Ustada Sabah Abd Elnasser
Ustada Sabah is a Quran and tajweed tutor experienced in teaching Noorani Qaida and Noorbaian to non_Arabic speakers. She has a bachelor degree in translation from faculty of language and simultaneous interpretation Al-Azhar university in 2016 with grade very good. She memorized the whole Quran in 2009 alhamdulillah. She has been teaching Quran since her student life. She enjoys teaching and finds this as her passion. She will help you or your kid to improve your recitation step by step.
Ustad Jaouad Zaaimi
Jaouad Zaaimi is a certified Native teacher of Arabic from Morocco with 16 years experience offline and 5 years online. He teaches Standard Arabic, Colloquial Arabic, and the Quran to beginners, intermediate and advanced learners. He has taught hundreds of learners over the world (children, adolescents, and adults).
He has two TAFL (Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language) certificates; one from Cairo, Egypt and the other from Morocco. Also, he has a certificate of completion of the TEA program (Teaching Excellence and Achievement) program from California State University. In addition to this, he holds a Masters' degree in Applied Language Studies. Beside teaching, he has conducted much research about language assessment and pedagogy. For his teaching approach, he adapts his teaching methods and materials to fit the needs of every individual learner. He focuses on communication and speaking more than any other skill. During his various field experiences, he has provided individual, small group, and whole-class instruction. He values individuality and strives to meet the needs of each student. To accomplish this, he uses a variety of hands-on activities and different teaching strategies to accommodate diverse learning styles. He works with students in a safe, comfortable, and fun learning environment.
Ustada Alaa Agamy
Ustada Alaa Agamy finished memorizing the Quran 7 years ago. She has received an honored certificate in a competition from Al Azhar Al Shareef. She has a certificate in teaching Arabic Literacy and Tajweed in English. Currently, she is in process of taking an Ijaza.
Thank you
Ustad Abdullah Fathi
Ustad Abdullah Mohamed Fathi graduated from Ten Qiraat institute from AlAzhar University . He keeps the whole Quran with its ten narration (Qiraa'at). He keeps the shatibyah and Durrah texts. He is currently practicing teaching Quran to many students in Egypt he is also experienced in teaching to foreign students.
Ustada Dina Mohamed Abdelatty
Ustada Dina Mohamed Abdelatty graduated from faculty of literature English department. She has two ijazah in memorization and recitation. She worked at sheikh almasarawy center for Quran memorization and sheikh Zayed institution at UAE.
Ustada Fatimah Azzahraa
Ustadah Fatimah Azzahraa has 10 years of experience in teaching Arabic language to non native arab. She teaches to all levels of Arabic (beginners, intermediate and advanced). Her expertise is in formal Arabic fusha , Egyptian Arabic Amiyah and Quranic Arabic. She has a certificate in teaching Arabic as second language from Cairo university
Mostafa ElSayed Mahmoud
Dr. Mostafa El-Sayed Mahmoud, was born in 1988. He graduated from Al Azhar university with grade A+. He also did post-graduation from Al-Azhar Centre for teaching English. He is a native Arabic speaker and He's good in English. He awarded of Three IJAZAHs in Qur'an of Imam Asim with Sho'bah and Hafs accents, one of them from Al- Sheakh Al-Masarawy. He is in a Course PHD of "Comparative Religion" in Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Islamic Da'wah, and he has Masters' degree of "Comparative Religion" with grade Excellent, in 2017.
From October 2012 until May 2013 he has worked in Ministry of Religious
Endowment As an (Imam) Leader of a group of Muslims in ritual prayer, and (Preacher) in (Masjed). He is awarded of Ijazah in Sunnah of Al-Moatta with Al- Imam Malik Ibn Anas. He work in Sufaraa Al -Hedaia As a lecturer, to non-native Arabic students, from 2016 until now. Mostafa El Sayed is qualified in teaching Arabic and Shari'ah science inside and outside Al-Azhar University. He is patient with the student and able to understand the needs of his student and able to teach and correct the right pronunciation of reading holy Quran. He encourages his student to do his best and pronounce correctly. Mostafa El Sayed has calm attitude and friendly nature, which makes children comfortable in lessons. He is punctual, attentive and hard-working and truly cares about his students' progress.
Ustada Asmaa Elsayed
Ustada Asmaa Mahmoud Elsayed did Bachelor of Islamic and Arabic studies from Al-Azhar University, department of Arabic language with very good general grade with an honors score of 87.56%. She Memorized the holy Quran at the age of eleven. She has been teaching the holy Quran to students since 2017. She taught Arabic to students for three years. She studied English throughout all of her education.
Ustad Ahmed Mostafa Sheta
Dr Ahmed Sheta is a native Arabic speaker. He has memorized the holy Quran at the age of 10. He was awarded Ijazah in Qur'an of Imam Asim with Hafs accents. He finished Bachelors degree in Islamic Dawaa at Al-Azhar University at Cairo with A+ grade.and He did Masters degree in Islamic Culture with A grade in 2018. The title of Master thesis is: The Position of International Charters of Older Persons (Analytical Study (- He was qualified in teaching Arabic and Shari'ah science inside and outside Al-Azhar University - and his current job is: an assistant lecturer in (Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Islamic Dawah, from MAY 15, 2013 until (Now).
Ustada Fatma Mahmoud
Ustada Fatma Mahmoud graduated from Al-azhar University department language and translation. She memorized all Quran by heart and has experience of teaching both arab and non-arabs
Ustada Radwa Mohammed
Ustad Ahmed Mahmoud
Ahmed Mahmoud Abdullah holds a BA from Al-Azhar University (Egypt) from the College of Islamic Call with a grade (Excellent with Honors) in 2004. He also obtained a Masters Degree in Islamic Culture with a grade (Excellent) from Al-Azhar. . University in August 2016.
He also obtained a PhD in Islamic Culture with a grade (First Class Honors) in August 2020
He is currently working as a member of Al-Azhar University. He memorized the entire Holy Quran as part of his university requirements. He can teach Arabic, the Holy Quran, and Islamic culture to different ages with more than fourteen years of experience. He also has extensive teaching experience for non-Arab students at Al-Hidaya Ambassadors Association for the care of international students.
Ustada Alaa Hafez
Ustada Alaa is a Egyptian Azhariya and native Arabic speaker. She speaks Arabic and English fluently. She graduated from Faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Al-Azhar University, Arabic Department. She has joined Al-Azhar institute in 2001 at the age of 6 years and she studied at Al- Azhar for 16 years, she started memorizing Quran at the age of 7 years old and she completed it at the age of 11 years old. During college period sister, Alaa studied basic Arabic with focus on Arabic grammar, balaghah (rhetoric), Arabic literature (adab), poetry (sher), and Islamic studies- Tafseer, Hadith, and Fiqh according to Al-Azhar system of curriculum. In 2017, she had her B.A of the Arabic Language, from Faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Al Azhar University. In 2018, she had Preliminary MA From Alazher University. In 2019, she had The General Educational Diploma, from Faculty of Education, kafr Elshiekh University. In 2018, she had a training for Arabic teachers for non–Arabic speakers. In2019 ,she received her Ijazah in reciting the holy Quran with Hafs way of Assem رواية حفص عن عاصم. She working as a teacher for non arabic speakers. She started teaching Quran with tajweed and arabic tutor for non arabic speakers 2 years ago. She is currently teaching online Arabic, Tajweed, Islamic Studies, and Quran recitation to non-Arabic speaker.
Ustada Heba Magdy
Ustada Heba Magdy graduated from faculty of commerce Cairo university. She has seven years experience in teaching quran, tajweed and Islamic studies for non Arabs. She possesses Ijazah in recitation quarn, Ijazah in tohfataltfal, aljazria and Noor al-bayan.
Ustad Elsayed Atya
Ustad Elsayed Atya is a holder of the College of Islamic and Arabic Studies from the Honorable Al-Azhar University. He has worked as a conservator for the Holy Quran for more than ten years
Ustada Basma Abdelsattar
Ustada Basma Abdelsattar has a bachelor degree of Darel-aloom Arabic and Islamic studies (Cairo University, Egypt). She has an Ijaza of the Holy Quran with Hafs way of Assem. She memorized whole Quran and teaching Quran more than 7 years for Arabs and Non-Arab. She has a TEFL diploma in Teaching English as a foreign language.
Ustad Ebraheem Raafat
Ustad Ebraheem Raafat is young, energetic and enthusiastic teacher. He graduated from the Institute of Quraat, Al-Azhar University. He has been an Imam of many masjids in Egypt for 7 years. He possesses Ijazah of Quran and Tajweed teacher and has been teaching to international students with Good monitoring. His dealing with student involving activities, competitions & present them with good materials to facilitate learning.
Ustada Douha Mahmoud
Ustada Douha Mahmoud is from Egypt. She graduated from faculty of Islamic and Arabic studies Al-Azhar university. She has an educational diploma from faulty of education. She also possess an Ijazah (Mastery) in teaching Quran and tajweed rules from al maasarawy institutes. Alhamdulillah she memorized entire Quran by heart at the age of 17. She has been teaching Quran, tajweed and Arabic language to students from UK, Canada, United states and Egypt.
Ustad Reyad Mustafa
Ustad Reyad Mustafa is an Imam in Egypt. He graduated from faculty of law (Cairo university) He can teach Quran to non-Arabs. Ustad Reyad also have an ijazah in the seven Qiraat of Quran from the way of shatibiyah. His subjects are tajweed rules, Quran recitation and memorization . He has 4 years of experience of teaching for foreign. Ustad possess 2 separated ijazah in the narration Hafs from Asem from sheikh/ Khaled assayed Khaled, and from sheikh/ Abdulfatah Madkour (friend of sheikh Alhosary (them both red from same sheikh). Ustad can also teach Islamic studies (Aqeedah,Seerah and Tafseer-al-Quran).
Ustada Doaa Galal
Ustadh Doaa Galal has memorized the Quran when she was 12 years in Al-Azhar. She has special diploma in education from the faculty of Education. She is able to design educational games to teach the tajweed rules to kids by easy and fun way. She is in process of taking an Ijazah by the narration of the hafs.
Mohamad Kamal Galal
Mohamad Kamal Galal is studying at the faculty of Shariaa and law English department (Al-Azhar university. He memorized the Quran at the age of 16 and possesses an ijazah in tuhfat alatfal and aljazariah. He has studied some Islamic jurisprudence at the university.
Ustada Heba Hassan
Ustada Heba Hassan graduated from the faculty of Dar-El-uloom (Cairo University), from the Arabic language and Islamic science department, which is the most important and the oldest Arabic faculty in Egypt. She has been teaching Arabic language to non-native speakers since 2 years. She has many different qualifications that fit to this teaching role such as making different educational games, planning for each lesson and introducing new vocabulary in an interesting way like using pictures, drawings, clay etc. Also for listening, reading and grammar She has a lot of attractive ways. She has an experience in teaching and dealing with foreigners students from different nationalities and ages.
Mohamed Ramadan Tawfik
Ustad Mohamed Ramadan Tawfik holds a Bachelor of Islamic Dawah with distinction (Al-Azhar University). He graduated in 2016 with honors. He completed the postgraduate studies and is currently a registered master in the Islamic Culture Department at the College of Dawah. He has mastered the memorization of the Noble Quran and he is authorized to recite Hafs and Shubah on the authority of Imam Asim. He has been teaching Hifdh (memorizing the Noble Quran) to all ages since more than 10 years.
Ustad Mahmoud Yosri
Ustad Mahmoud Yosri holds a Master Degree of in Religions and Sects, with excellent grades, Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Islamic Call. 2013. He holds an international degree (PhD) from the Department of (Religions and Doctrines) at the Faculty of Islamic Dawah in Cairo, Al-Azhar University. He worked as an imam, preacher and teacher at the Egyptian Ministry of Awqaf for five years. Ustad has studied the English language at Al-Azhar Center for Teaching Foreign Languages. He obtained two licenses in the Noble Quran, according to the narration of Hafs from Assem from Shatbya Road. He can teach Quran, Arabic studies, and Islamic sciences.
Ustad Mohamed Khaled
Ustad Mohmed Khaled graduated from Al-Azhar university (Egypt), faculty of Languages and Translation (English Department). He memorized all of the Holy Quran with Ijaza, and studied Islamic sciences at Al-Azhar school and University. He has been working as an online Quran Teacher and possesses the expertise required for teaching online to non-arabs. He was working as a translator in a translation company, but he decided to be specialized only in Islamic jobs "Dawah" whether by teaching, translation, etc.
Ustad Omar Khaled
Ustad Omar Khaled is a dual citizen (American-Egyptian) who is qualified in reciting the Quran with very good Tajweed in addition to mastering both languages of English and Arabic. He has long experience in online teaching of English language to Arabs as he is well-equipped with different styles based on the needs of the student. He learnt the religion of Islam profoundly through the studying of comparative religions as he engaged with non-Muslims and skeptics for more than 10 years, who were in need of responses to their doubts and questions in a classical way that totally goes in parallel with the religion of Islam.
Shaimaa Abdul-Hameed
Shaimaa Abdul-Hameed has memorized the whole Quran by heart and learned Tajweed rules from Al-Azher institute. She can teach Tajweed to non-Arab children with enthusiasm and a professional attitude, as Language and education are her specialties.
Ustada Asmaa Anwer
Ustada Asmaa Anwer graduated from faculty of education, English department (Alexandria University). Alhamdulillah, she memorized the holy Quran and she attended courses at rwaq platform about how to teach Quran and tajweed to non-native arab speakers. She worked as an English teacher for about eight years then shifted to Holy Quran teacher to non-native speakers.
Shaykh Ahmed Mustafa
Ustad Ahmed Mustafa is a researcher at the faculty of languages and translation at Al-Azhar university. He holds B.A degree of simultaneous interpretation 2014 (ALAZHAR university). He also completed masters in English literature from zagazig University in 2019. He is also working on currently to get *3rd B.A* of Islamic studies- faculty of languages and translation -islamic studies department - ALAZHAR university. Ustad Ahmed Mustafa possess three IJAZAAH and has ample experience of teaching online and offline.
Ustada Rahma Mohammed
Ustada Rahma Mohammed has memorized the whole Quran by heart, learned tajweed Rules from Al-Azhar school and has Ijazah in Hafs. She has experience of teaching Qaida. She knows how to deal with kids during lessons. She can also help students memorize during class. She teaches mostly younger kids and make their lessons fun and exciting.
Ustad Islam Uthman El-Azhary
Ustad Islam Uthman El-Azhary graduated from faculty of the Arabic language Alzhar university. He memorized the whole Quran and currently in process of getting an ijaza in assem. He has two years experience for teaching Quran and Qaida.
Ustad Abubakr Mohsen
Ustad Abubakr graduated graduated from faculty of islamic studies 2018 (Al Azhar university, Cairo). He studied English for five years at the British Council as a scholarship from the grand Imam of Al-Azhar. He has been working as a Quran and Arabic teacher since three years. In addition, he has an experience of teaching recitation, memorization and tajweed to non Arabic speakers. Ustad possess an Ijaza in hafs an asim.
Ustada Fatimah Yassen
Ustada Fatimah Yassen graduated from Al-Azhar university. She has an ijazah in imam assem way of reading, imam hamzah way of reading and working on imam nafee way of reading. She possesses
6 years experience as Quran and tajweed teacher
Ustada Mariam Mohamad
Ustada Mariam has a certificate (Ijaza) in memorization of Quran narrated by Hafs from Asim. She graduaed in 2013 from Ain Shams University (Cairo-Egypt) in BSc honors in English Educational Department in first class. Ustada Mariam possess excellent English communication skill along with profound understanding of tajweed rules and Qur'an recitation. She has also been a teacher of English language. She applies different methodologies trying to make her sessions engaging and interesting. She speaks English and Arabic very well alhamdulillah.
Ustada Eman ElMorsy
Ustada Eman El-Mmorsy graduated from the Faculty of Dar Al Uloom and holds a BA in Arabic and Islamic Studies. She memorized the Holy Qur’an in its entirety and has many ijazahs. She has an ijazah in the narration of Hafs and Shua'bah, beside an ijazah in the ten readings and ijazah in teaching tajweed (Tuhfat Al Atfal and Al Jazriah). She also has courses in Al-Qaida Al-Nooraniah and Noor Al-Bayan. She taught Arab students for 15 years and non-Arab students for about two years. She has the ability to deal with all ages, young , old, and teens. She cooperates with parents to develop the best plan for the advancement of students' level. She can know the weaknesses of any learner to improve them. Ustadah Eman has an educational diploma from the College of Education , a diploma in Islamic studies in addition to a diploma in special needs and a communication diploma. Also Montessori course. She has various methods of teaching that suit the needs of each student.
Ustada Yasmin Khayri
Ustada Yasmin Khayri has bachelors degree in Islamic Studies from Al-Azhar University. She graduated with honors from the department of Arabic language 2015 and has special diploma in education from faculty of education 2016. She memorized the Quran very well with tajweed rules and she got the fourth place at the level of the Arab Republic of Egypt in memorizing the Holy Quran. She can explain tajweed with English and able to understand the needs of her student and able to teach and correct the right pronunciation of the holy Quran. She encourages her students to do their best and pronounce correctly.
Ustad Abdulaziz Ali
Ustad Abdulaziz Ali is a language teacher and memorizer of the Noble Qur’an, holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Arabic from Al-Azhar University in 2016. He holds licenses and certificates in Quranic readings such as Hafs, Shu’bah, Workshops, Qalun, and many forensic sciences from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Matta’ Imam Malik, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, and the origins of the Sunnah for Imam Ahmad and Matn al-Ajramiyya and others.
Ustad Ahmad Ragab
Ustad Ahmed ragab graduated from the Faculty of Arabic Language in Al-Azhar University (Cairo). He worked as a teacher of the Holy Quran recitation and memorization in English for five years. He got a mastery ( Ijaza) in the Holy Quran by reciting of Asim and Nafeh. He memorized the entire Holy Quran by heart .
Ustada Rehab hobby
Ustada Rehab hobby has Ijaza in Hafs & Shoba Reciting Style with link to Prophet Mohamed Peace Upon Him. She also has an Ijaza in Tohfa & Jazria. In 2014, she got certificate from Social Affairs Ministry approved society (named Anwar Al Haram) in completing memorizing the Noble Quran and tajweed (Hafs recitation style) with very good grade. Ustada Rehab has more than 6 years of experience in teaching Tajweed and Qaida Al-Norania Online.
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Ustad Mohamed Elbahrawy
Mohamed El-Sayed Ali Hassan graduated from faculty of Holy Quran, Al-Azhar University 2020.
He studied the 10th qeraat, tajweed. He can teach tajweed, qeraates, and Arabic.
Ustada Zainab Mahmoud
Ustatha Zainab Mahmoud graduated from Faculty of Languages and Translation (Al Azhar University). She has memorized the compelete holy Quran at the age of 14. She has learned during her studing in Al Azhar Tajweed, Tafseer, Aqaidah, and Sirah. She has a 4 years experience in teaching Quran and Tajweed to non-Arabic Speakers. She is nearly finishing Hafs Ijazah.
Ustad Mohamed Ezzat
Ustad Mohamed graduated from Al-Azhar University in 2016, after 16 years of studying all branches of Islamic and Arabic studies, just as Faqah, Tafseer, Hadith, Tajweed, Seerah, Arabic Grammar, Sarf, Balaghah and Arabic literature. He holds a Bachelor degree of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Department of Arabic Language. He finished memorization of the Holy Quran and studying Tajweed rules in the narration of Hafs from Asim at the age of 14 years old. He works as a teacher of the holy Quran and Arabic Language since 2016. He has the ability to communicate with all intellectual levels of learners. He is Patient with his students, Ambitious, Sociable and has a good skill at time management.
Shaykh Mohamed Ragab
Shaikh Mohamed Esaily graduated from the faculty of Science of the Quran (Al-Azhar University). He is professional in teaching the Quran, tajweed, Islamic studies and Arabic language for all age groups. He communicates with Students easily online in Arabic and English language. Shaykh Ragab has an Ijaza in the riwayat hafs and shoaba with high isnad, He has 3 years experience of teaching Quran and Arabic online. He has taught various students in different countries all over the world. He will take you from zero level to advance level in a good way in reading Inshaa Allah. With Shaykh Ragab, you will be able to recite the Quran yourself without any help inshaAllah, because he has good method in teaching Quran and tajweed and Arabic also.
Ustad Muhammad Sharif
Ustad Muhammad Sharif graduated from Al-Azhar university (faculty of Education). He started teaching generally in 2015, and for Quran and Arabic in 2020. He memorized Quran when he was in Prep school. He studied Tajweed and Islamic Studies such as Fiqh, Aqeedah, Tafseer and Hadeeth.
Ustada Eman AbdelMawgoud
Ustada Eman AbdelMawgoud is Quran and Tajweed teacher for non- native speakers. She has an an ijazah in Hafs An Asim narration "by heart", ijazah in Al-Jazariyyah and Tuhfatul-Atfal, as well as an ijazah in Noor-Albayan. She has good experience in teaching Quran, Tajweed, Hifz and Noor-Albayan for women and kids. She taught many students in different countries. She will help you to learn letters, words, sentences, verses with rules of tajweed and focus pronunciation and articulations step by step with very easy and simple way InshaAllah. She will take you from zero level to advance levels in reading Quran InshaAllah. She will help you to improve your recitation in very short time as much as possible Insha'Allah. Her method of memorization depends on repetition and indoctrination.
Ustada Fatma Galal Mahmood
Ustada Fatma Galal Mahmood is a Quran and Arabic teacher from Egypt. She graduated from faculty of Arabic and Islamic studies, Al-Azhar university (Arabic Department in 2000). She finished memorization of the Quran in Al-Azhar Institute and she studied tajweed rules. She has been teaching Arabic language and Qur'an since 5 years. She can make games, planning for each lesson in an interesting way.
Ustad Ahmad Qutb Salamah
Ustad Ahmad Qutb Salamah graduated from Al-Azhar University (school of Language and translation), division of Islamic studies in English. He also studied at the American University in Cairo. He possess an Ijaza in Hafs An Asem reading style. He is on my way to have an ijaza in Shobah reading style. He can teach basics of the Arabic language to all ages starting from 5 years old, using the series of Alarabyah bayn Yadayk. He can teach Tajweed rules in an easy way.
Ustada Asmaa Galal Mahmood
Ustada Asmaa is a native Arabic speaker. She has a Bachelor of Education ( Arabic language Department ) from Tanta University in 2001. She studied Islamic studies in preparing preachers institute in 2003. She worked as an Arabic and Quran teacher to Arabs for 20 years and has experience of teaching recitation, Hifz and Tajweed to non-Arabic speakers for 2 years.
She is qualified in teaching Quran Kareem & rules of Tajweed, help non-Arabs to recite & memorize Quran in correct way by teaching Nooraniah Qaidah, Nooralbayan, reading Arabic and Arabic grammar for beginners. She enjoys teaching and finds this as her passion. She will help you or your kid to improve your recitation step by step.
Ustada Amal Esmaiel
Ustada Amal Esmaiel graduated from Al-Azhar University College of Islamic and Arab Studies. _Alazhar university in Cairo. She did her general diploma in Education from Al-Azhar. She possess an Ijazah of tajweed and Al-qeraat alashr assughraa from Al Azhar institute of QIraat. She has an Ijazah in Assem (shubaa and hafs), Ijaza in Ibn Aamer (Hesham and Ibn Zakwan), Ijaza in Alkessaiey (Abulhareth and Addurey), Ijaza in Khala Alaasher (Ishaq and edrees). She can Communicate easily with the Students online in Arabic and English language. Ustada has more than 12 years of teaching experience.
Ustad Abdelrahman Henaish
Ustad Abdelrahman Henaish is qualified in B.A of Islamic Studies (English Section) from Al-Azhar University. He has fully memorized the Holly Quran at the age of 12 and got his first Ijaazah at the age of 14. He has the number of 3 Ijaazahs in recitation, memorization and Tajweed of the Holy Quran. He has a diploma in teaching and teaching methodologies and helped people reach their goals, be it Arabic, Tajweed or Quran.
Ustada Shahd Ahmed Talaat
Ustada Shahd is qualified in teaching Quran, Tajwid and Arabic for non native speakers in English. She has an IELTS certificate with a band score 7, and has experience in teaching Quran. She memorized the entire Quran by heart and with tajwid rules and recited it all on one of the most qualified teachers in Qatar's Quran center. She has experience in teaching kids and teenagers.
Ustada Dalia Mahmoud Shalaan
Ustada Dalia Mahmoud graduated from Ain Shams university, Faculty of Languages Alalsun with a grade very Good. She is an experienced and qualified Quran, Arabic and tajweed tutor for kids and adults (Arabs and non Arabs). She has an Ijazah in Hafs recitation from Al-Azhar Alhamdullillah and iljazah in Warsh , Qaluun, Ibn Katheer & Abi Ghaaafer as well. She possesses 22 years experience in teaching Quran and tajweed for Arabs and non-Arabs in the charitable organization in Saudi aArabia and in Al-Azhar institute in Egypt. She can teach hifz, Tajweed, & Qaeda.
Ustad Reda Eissa
Ustad Reda Eissa is an imam and khateeb at Al-awqaf ministry since 2008. He is qualified and experienced teacher graduated from Al-azhar university in 2008 from the faculty of Arabic Language. He is studying at the Institute of Islamic Studies to obtain a master's degree in Sharia sciences. He is an online Arabic and Quran teacher to teach non-Arabic speakers. His mission is to spread Arabic language as much as he can among Muslims around the world and to teach them how to read the Holy Quran. Due to his experience in teaching Arabic and Tajweed rules, he will be able to make all the learning procedure easy and interesting for student.
Ustada Aya Mohammed
Ustada Aya Mohammed graduated from Al-Azhar university. She Hold master degree in Islamic studies. Alhamdulilah she memorized the whole Quran when she was 12 years old. She taught Quran and Islamic studies for students of Al-Azhar university as she worked as a professor in Al-Azhar university since 2012.
Ustada Heba Moner
Ustada Heba Moner has 12 years experience in teaching Quran and Islamic studies online. She memorized 25 Juzz of the Quran. She can teach Quran with tajweed and Islamic studies to non-native speakers. Ustada Heba moner is certified from Dar-ul-Iqraa in Alexandria and its given from Al-Awqaf ministry. She has got certificate in recitation of Quran with tajweed with excellent degree and has got a course of Nour-Albian and Qaida-Nowrania for teacher to teach it to others in English.
Ustad Ehab Elghanam
Ustad Ehab Elghanam is an Egyptian Arabic and Quran teacher. In 2007, He graduated from Al-Azhar University (Egypt), faculty of languages and translation - department of Islamic studies in English. Ustad Ehab got his professional diploma in Education from Kafrelsheikh University in 2022. He possesses experience in teaching Quran (how to read ,memorize and understand the meaning of it). Also, he has an experience in teaching Islamic studies.
Shaykh Hazem Mohamed
Shaykh Hazem Hegazy is qualified in teaching Quran memorization, Recitation and Tajweed rules. He graduated from Al-Azhar University. He has a special diploma in education. He has been teaching Quran for more than 8 years. He has a lot of skills that help his students improve their Quran reading. He has a beautiful voice and memorized the whole Quran at Al-Azhar. He holds an Ijazah from Shaikh Ahmed Haroon who is a great Shaikh at Al Azhar institute.
Ustada Asmaa Sedky
Ustadha Asmaa is an Egyptian Quran, Hifz and Tajweed tutor. She enhances her process of teaching using attractive methods as Microsoft PowerPoint. She is native Arabic speaker and speaks English fluently. She graduated from Faculty of Languages and Interpretation in 2013 from Al-Azhar University (Egypt) where she studied Fiqh, Tafseer, Hadeeth,Seerah and Tajweed. She has an educational Diploma and an Ijaza of Assem with two narrators Hafs and Shoabah. she taught Quran and Islamic Studies more than 10 years for till now.
Ustada Nada Ahmed
Ustada Nada Ahmed is studying at faculty of language and translation (Al-Azhar university, Egypt). Alhamdullah, she got ijaza in Hafs bin Asem rewaya and on the way to get shuba rewaya. She has been teaching Quran online with islamic studies to kids since more than 2 years.
Ustada Mona Abdelmoneam
Ustada Mona Abdelmoneam graduated from Al-Azhar university. She has an ijazah in rewayah Hafs an Asem and possesses an experience of more than 15 years in teaching Quran and Tajweed online for non-Arabic speakers. Her mother language is Arabic but she can speak English also. She will help you to achieve your goal so that you can recite and memorize Quran correctly.
Ustada Nuha Farag
Ustada Nuha Farag is a teacher of Quran, Tajweed and Arabic for non-Arabs. She memorized the entire Quran at the age of 18. She graduated from Al-Azhar University, Department of Islamic and Arabic Studies. She loves children and uses educational games during lesson to keep it more interesting for kids.
Ustada Fatma mohamed
Ustadha Fatma Mohamed is qualified in the faculty of Education Arabic Language department from Al Azhar university (Egypt). She had master in teaching Arabic Language to Non-Native Speakers where she studied the use of use modern technology in teaching Arabic for non-native speakers.
Ustadha Fatma has seven years of experience teaching the Arabic language and the Holy Quran, and She has Ijaza Hafs From Asim.
Ustad Khaled Sabry
Ustad Khaled Sabry graduated from the college of Arabic and Islamic studies of Al-Azhar University. He has been teaching to non-arabs about memorization of Al-Quran, Tajweed of Al-Quran, Islamic studies (Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh, Seerah, Stories of the Quran and prophets, manners)
Ustad Yasser Mohammed
Ustad Yasser Mohammed graduated from Al Azhar university - Faculty of Sharia and law. He had diploma in islamic studies. He memorized Quran by heart and has Ijazah in ten Qiraat. Also, he did Bachelor of Arts in Education Department of Arabic language and Islamic studies. He completed special diploma in Education, Cairo university. He holds Ph.D In Foundation of Education - the faculty of Graduate studies Cairo university. He has Ijazah in the following Hadith books (Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sahih Abi Dawood. Ustad Yasser Mohammed has been teaching Qur'an and Arabic language for 20 years.
Ustada Asmaa Muhammad Sadat
Ustada Asmaa Muhammad Sadat is qualified in BA in Islamic and Arabic Studies, Al-Azhar University, Department of Arabic Language. She memorized the Quran by the narration of by Imam Hafs and studied Tajweed at Al-Azhar and in several different courses in Arabic and English. She studied in some online programs (Taj Al-karamah, Aif Lam Meem project and several online projects like AL-Burhan center). She has an Ijazaah (mastery) of ( Tuhfat Al-Atfal - Nour Al-bayan method - The Fourty Nawawi Ahaadeeth). She is certificated in Al-Qaida An-noorania - how to teach Noor Al-Bayan and basic and advanced Tajweed to non-Arabic speakers. She has ability to create lesson plans and customize content to suit individual students' needs.
Ustada Sara Mohamed
Ustada Sara Mohamed is an Arabic teacher for non-native speakers. She graduated from Faculty of Dar Al Uloom, Cairo University. She has an experience teaching Arabic language. Ustada Sara will help you acquire it and speak in a correct way. She can teach children with all ages and can help students from the letters to advanced level in speaking, reading and writing.
Ustada Marwa Eissa
Ustada Marwa Eissa is a native Arabic language speaker. She is a professional Quran, Tajweed, Arabic language and Islamic studies teacher for Non-Native speakers. She has bachelors degree in Islamic Studies from Al-Azhar University (Department of Arabic language). She has special diploma in education from faculty of education. She can explain tajweed with English and able to understand the needs of her student and able to teach and correct the right pronunciation of the holy Quran. She encourages her students to do their best and pronounce correctly.
Ustada Hayam Ali
Ustada Hayam ali is Quran and Arabic teacher for Arab and non-arabs. She memorized whole Quran by heart and has been teaching Quran and tajweed more than 10 years ago. She holds ijaza is Quran memorization and tajweed courses.
Ustad Ali Saber Atta
Ustad Ali Saber Atta did bachelors from Al-Azhar University (Egypt), Faculty of Arabic languages in 2004. He has Ijazah in the recitation of Hafs. He memorized whole Quran by heart and learned Tajweed rules from Al-Azhar University. He possesses 3 years experience in teaching Quran, Tajweed and Arabic language to non-Arab Muslims adults and kids.
Ustad Mohammad Salah Elgamal
Ustad Mohammad Salah Elgamal graduated with high grades from the faculty of Languages and Translation, department of Islamic Studies in English (Al-Azhar University). He memorized the Quran at the age of eleven and learned the Ten Qiraat at the age of fourteen. He has an Ijazah (high accredited certificate) in the Ten Recitations of Quran as well. Ustad is also a member of the Maqraah of Sharjah. He studied English at the American University in Cairo; in addition, he studied Spanish at the University of Catolica in Ecuador. He has good experience in teaching Quran, Tajweed, Qiraat, Arabic and Islamic Studies.
Ustada Youmna Mahmoud
Ustada Youmna Mahmoud graduated from faculty of Arabic and Islamic studies (Al-Azhar university shariaa Department). She memorized Quran and did general Educational Diploma from faculty of Education Alexandria university. she is working as a Quran and Islamic studies teacher in school. She worked at sheikh Almosarawy center for Quran memorization. She had tuhfat alatfal and she is in progress with Aljazaria. She has experience of teaching both Arabic and non Arabic students with simple ways especially kids. She taught kids Quran and noor Albayan. She in progress of taking an ijaza.
Ustad Ayman Saber Ata
Ustad Ayman Saber Ata graduated from Al-Azhar university faculty Arabic language. He has Ijazah in hafs recitation. He has been teaching since 5 years holy Quran and Tajweed courses.
Ustad AlSayed Abdelkader
Ustad AlSayed Abdelkader holds a doctorate degree (PHD) from the Faculty of Islamic Dawa in Cairo - Al-Azhar University in 2014 with a grade of (Honors +1) in religions and sects. He graduated from Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Islamic Dawah, 2002. He feels responsible towards the learners, and He always want to improve their progress. He always tend to know the learner’s abilities and skills in order to employ them in the quality of the education process. He is a native speaker of the Arabic language, and is proficient in teaching its skills, and he can speak and understand English, he taught the Qur’an, the Arabic language, the Islamic faith, and the Prophet’s biography to non-Arabic speakers (for several years).
Ustad Ibrahim Mohamed sedki
Ustad ibrahim sedkie has done Bachelor of Arts and Education (English Language Division) from Al-Azhar University, Cairo (Egypt). He worked as a teacher of Quran and Islamic studies for 8 years. He has an ijaza in 10 Qeraat, tagweed texts Al-Tuhfa, Al-Jazariyyah, Al-Salsabil Al-Shafi, Al-Shatibiya, and Al-Durra. from shiekh Mesbah al Dosoky. He worked in a center for memorizing the Qur’an and Arabic for three years, and many students memorized the Qur’an with him. After that, he moved to teach the Qur’an and Arabic in larger centers and with a different methodology. He also gave courses to explain the sciences of Tajweed and the appropriate methods for memorizing Holy Quran for adults and children as well. He also gave some lectures on faith, jurisprudence, and pondering the Qur’an for adults and children. Ustad Ibrahim was appointed as an imam of a well-known association mosque in Egypt for a period of five years, on a voluntary basis. He started teaching the Holy Quran remotely in 2019.
Ustad Mohamed Mahmoud Mobark
Ustad Mohamed Mahmoud Mobark Dedicated and accomplished professional with a strong foundation in Islamic studies and Quranic expertise. He demonstrated commitment to personal development by memorizing the Quran at the age of 12 and obtaining Ijaza in both Hafs and Shoaba recitations. He furthered education with a comprehensive study of Sharia and law at Al-Azhar University (Egypt). Post-graduation, served as an Imam in a mosque and concurrently held the role of a Quranic teacher for four years.
Ustada Houriyya Samir
Ustadha Houriyya Samir graduated from Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Languages and Simultaneous Interpretation. She is a native speaker of Arabic. She memorized the whole Quran with a profound understanding of the Tajweed rules and Quran recitation. Ustada Hourayya has taught the holy Quran to Arabic speakers for 7 years and has been teaching the Quran and tajweed to non-Arabic Muslims for 2 years. Ustatha Hourayya is a committed and qualified teacher. She also follows the innovative ways to improve the teaching of students. Her aim is to make the students love the Quran and Arabic.
Ustada Marwa Adel Fouad
Ustada Marwa Adel Fouad graduated from Al-Azhar University (Egypt) in 2008 - faculty of Islamic Studies Department of Interpretation and Quran Sciences. Afterwards, in 2010 she did post graduate diploma in Islamic Studies from Cairo University. She memorized whole Quran by heart and has Ijaza in Quran from Sheikh Al Masrawy. She possess 15 Years experience in Teaching Quran to Arabs and Foreigners, gained experience from different popular institutes and hundreds of students online.
Ustada Ghada Mohamed
Ustada Ghada Mohamed graduated from the faculty of engineering (Mansourah university). She memorized the holy Quran and has Ijaza by immam Assem (Hafs and Shubaa). She has an experience of 2 years in teaching Quran online for Non-Arabic speakers. She has very exciting way for teaching to all ages.
Ustada Amany Younus
Ustada Amany Mostafa graduated in 2001 from faculty of education - department of Childhood Studies (Tanta University). She has been teaching Quran and Tajweed online for one year now. She has very good experience in treating with children as she was working before in a kindergarten for two years. Also she worked in Quran memorization center before.
Ustad Sayed Semry
Ustad Sayed Semry gratuated from faculty of languages and translation - department of English islamic studies (Al-Azhar university, Egypt). He worked as Imam and khateeb in Al-awkaf ministry in Egypt. Ustad Sayed has Ijazah in Hafs by the way of asem.
Ustada Asmaa Hussein
Ustada Asmaa Hussein graduated from Al-Azhar university (Faculty of shariaa and law). She also has a master degree in shariaa and law. She worked as Quran teacher for 7 years and has been teaching to non-arabs since 2 years.
Ustada Aya Moustafa
Ustada Aya Moustafa graduated from Al-azhar university (Egypt). She memorized whole Quran by heart and learned Tajweed rules. She is a native Arab and can teach Arabic language to non-Arabs with enthusiasm and professional attitude. She has three years of experience in teaching hifz, recitation, Arabic and Tajweed. She also work online in teaching non-Arabic speakers. She loves to take part in as many learning environments and educational projects. She is friendly teacher during lessons. She works at Al-Farooq Office for Quran Memorization and has extensive experience in the field and a passion for teaching both young and adult students about the Quran.
Abdullah Mohamed Almowafy
Ustad Abdullah Mohamed Almowafy from Egypt, graduated from faculty of commerce Accounting. He memorised the Quran at the age of 14 years and studied the rules of Tajweed. He can teach Quran for Non Arabic for all ages. He obtained an Ijaza in reading holy Quran in HAFS & ASEEM RIWEA. He is patient with students and able to understand the needs of his students and able to correct the mistakes of Quran recitation. He encourage his students to do the best and pronounce correctly. Usually Abdullah calm attitude and friendly nature which makes children comfortable in lessons
Ustada Hend Mathana
Ustada Hend Mathana has been a teacher of the Holy Qur’an, Tajweed, and Nour Al-Bayan, for non-Arabs for five years. She graduated from Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Islamic and Arab Studies, Fundamentals of Religion Division, in 2017, and obtained a general diploma in education in 2018. She joined Master's at Al-Azhar University in 2020, and obtained Ijaza in the narration of Imam Asim, Hamzah, Al-Kisa’i, and Khalaf Al-Ashir.
Ustad Mohamed Ashraf Mahmoud Elazzak
Ustad Mohamed Ashraf Mahmoud Elazzak graduated from Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Engineering. He memorized the Holy Quran and has been teaching the Quran for eight years.
He also acquired a license in Holy Quran according to Hafs bin Asem recitation.
Ustada Fatma Samir
Ustada Fatma Samir graduated from Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Mass Communication. She is a native speaker of Arabic. She memorized the whole Quran with a profound understanding of the Tajweed rules and Quran recitation. Ustada Fatma has taught the holy Quran for 5 years. Ustada Fatma is a committed and qualified teacher. She also follows the innovative ways to improve the teaching of students. Her aim is to make the students love the Quran and Arabic.
Mohamed Reda Farag
Mohamed Reda Farag is qualified in Tajweed studies. He is a graduate from the institute of Qiraat, AlAzhar university. He memorized entire Quran by heart. He got his Ijaza of reciting Quran from sheikh Zewaid attia. Ustad Mohamed worked for 5 years teaching and memorizing Quran in his town.
Ustad Mohamed Hassan Eldeeb
Ustad Mohamed Hassan Eldeeb did his bachelors degree in Islamic Dawah from Al-Azhar University (Cairo, Egypt) in 2010. Afterwards, he did post-graduate studies in Islamic Dawah and Culture. He memorized the entire Quran with Ijazah (certification) since 2004. Ustad Mohamed Hassan Eldeeb possess Ijazahs in Hadith, Islamic Creed, and Hanafi Fiqh from esteemed Al-Azhar scholars, including Dr. Ali Jumaa, Dr. Osama Sayed, and Sheikh Jamal Farouk. He has been teaching tajweed, hifdh and islamic studies to arabs and non-arabs since 13 years. Additionally, he participated in a Dawah caravan with Al-Azhar and the Ministry of Awqaf, serving in Upper Egypt, Sharm El-Sheikh, Hurghada and Port Said. Furthermore conducted courses on Islamic biography and jurisprudence for new Muslims from abroad. Ustad Eldeeb has been invited as a guest on multiple Egyptian radio and television programs, discussing Islamic topics, for both private and state-owned broadcasters.
Ustada Nada Yousri
Ustada Nada Yousri got a Bachelor of arts and education English department Faculty of education (El-Fayuim university), with excellent grades. She teaches English as well as Quraan Tajweed, memorization, Spoken and classical Arabic. She got an Ijaza to read and recite the narration Hafs an Asim via shatebya.
Ustada Fatma Abu Khatwa
Shaykha Fatma is an Egyptian Quran teacher. She graduated from Al Azhar University Arabic department. She has taken an English language course. She is a Hafiz of the Holy Quran with a profound understanding of the Tajweed rules and Quran recitation. She studied Islamic sciences in Arabic language and memorised the Holy Quran with an Ijazah with Qiraat Assem in the two ways.
Ustada Asmaa Gamal
Ustada Asmaa Gamal has memorized whole Quran by heart and learned Tajweed rules from Al-Azhar university. She is a native Arab and can teach Arabic language to non-Arabs with enthusiasm and professional attitude. She started teaching sisters and children from many countries all over the world from about 4 years. She has reached a good knowledge of ways of teaching Tajweed and connecting it to recitation. In Hifz , she can help children, sisters, elders to know their best way to memorize, revise and keep Allah SWT words in their minds by adding Tafsir parts to the memorized juzz. Alhamdulillah.
Shaykh Abdulrahman Ahmad
Shaykh Abdulrahman Ahmad graduated from Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, Faculty of islamic dawa. He studied Islamic sciences such as Fiqh, Hadith, Tafseer as well as translation of the Quran. He possesses a certificate (Ijaza) in memorization of the holy Quran narrated by Hafs from ‘Asim. He worked as Khatib (giving Friday sermon) and Teacher (giving lessons on Islamic topics) for the Ministry of Awqaf (endowments ). He has three years experience in teaching the Holy Quran and Tajweed for the non-native Arabic speaking.
Ustada Hoda Hossam
Ustada Hoda Hossam has been a dedicated student at Al-Azhar University for the past 10 years, specializing in Fiqh. She has taught over 2,000 classes in Arabic and Islamic studies to students of all ages. Huda is expected to receive her Ijaza in May